
Ha. Just put it on the giant pile of the other impeachable offenses he’s committed since day once. Not to be confused with the illegal activity pile

Totally normal behavior from an innocent man.

Many people are saying this, they’re just beautiful rumors, perfect rumors about how Rudi downs a fifth before each TV appearance. Believe me.

I didn’t say we were importing it. I said the Russians are exporting it. A subtle, yet important difference.

Aren’t DiGenova and Toensing the duo that makes Michael Cohen look like Atticus Finch?

Trump claiming he can shoot someone in the street or grab women’s genitals without consent: Joke.

Notice how that shithead said “civil war-like FRACTURE”?

Her twitter handle is all up in #MAGA shit.

Fully expecting to find Jeanne Pirro was also involved in the investigation next.

Yeah, I have no trouble believing he got that position because he’s Biden’s son so I’m good if this blows back on him a little too.

The republican party is a full blown cult and Trump is their criminal leader. They are racists, they falsely believe that Islam is a monolithic threat, they refuse the proven science of Evolution and Man Made Climate Change and they would break the law and commit treason with hostile nations to grasp and keep their

Bailiff: “Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth?”

In Rudy’s current mental state, I’m pretty sure he need help just to find his own dork every time he takes a piss.

25 minutes later: “Of course I asked for Toensing and Di Genova’s help! This is a very serious situation!”

Free participation trophies! Woo-hoo!

I don’t understand how you can be such a remarkably bad liar and still be an attorney.

“No, I didn’t work with anybody to try and get dirt on Joe Biden,” Giuliani said.

They don’t care about the corruption, they just care that it was the other side, and therefore an opportunity to help them win, winning is their political philosophy 

“Do I look like someone who needs help? I did it all on my own, I don’t need anybody doing anything for me!” - Rudy Guliani roughly 20 minutes from now

Just a quick reminder that Russia exports exactly two things to the rest of the world in any volume, natural gas and fuckery.