
The thing is....they want a war. A holy war. Obama didn’t do it to them like they were hoping; the promised uprising never materialized. They’ve got all of these metaphorical white sneakers and end time plans and no party to attend.

This kind of reminds me of what Hitler’s supporters believed about him. They literally thought there wouldn’t be any electricity or any infrastructure at all after he was gone. I read a book written by one of his young secretaries who survived the war, and she was filled with self-loathing at how she had been duped.

One thing I seriously don’t get about Trump suppourters is they act like if Trump isn’t President, America will go to shit (though we all know it would be far better without him). So say he gets a 2nd term. What do they think would happen after that term was over? He couldn’t run again.

This guy sounds a lot like my overly-enthusiastic Trump-supporter friend, who believes there will be a civil war if a Democrat wins the next election and they ban assault weapons. “This country is tore apart,” she says, “The Democrats are trying to destroy the Constitution.”

Trump may be looking into treason charges to try to level against Dems???

I believe it was North Carolina where Republicans straight up lied to Democrats about when they were going to be in session in order to get some legislation through that would have had no hope with a full body.

Tax his church.

I always get out of the grays by threatening to start a civil war on Kinja. 

“Look, I don’t pretend to speak for all evangelicals, but this week I have been traveling the country and I’ve literally spoken to thousands and thousands of evangelical Christians,”

At what point will we admit that we’re now living under tyrannical despotic government? A lawless, raving leader, his criminal henchmen installed in the top posts of law enforcement. Threats, lies, intimidation, extrajudicial killings by his followers at his urging. What’s the difference between the US and Turkmenistan

Yep. My thought exactly. I expect the whistleblower’s identity will be leaked immediately after—hell, maybe even during—the hearing. Then we get to move fully into the whistleblower smear campaign. I mean, beyond the vague one we already have going. No, this one will be about digging into his social media presence or

Let’s not forget that Devin Nunes sued an internet cow.

Obviously, making whistleblowers fear for their safety is INTENDED to make people with knowledge of wrongdoing feel afraid to come forward, even anonymously.


LOL, Trump is going insane on Twitter demanding to meet his accuser AND the people who gave them the information. He’s going to completely melt down (even more so than usual) by the end of this whole thing.

I know - this is what I was thinking. The committee(s) that hear the person are going to find out their identity, right?! The Republicans on those committees are going to immediately do this. They’re going to view themselves as heroes for it.

If this whistleblower testifies for the House Intel Committee without some kind of identity protection, raving lunatic Devin Nunes will out him/her to Trump immediately. I hope Schiff is taking into account that Nunes can’t be trusted.

Over/under on his stroking out/ “accidentally” overdosing within six weeks?

My favorite would be if the drunken editor got hold of Twitter.... #ItsReagansFault!!!1!

not the hashtag we want, but the hashtag we deserve!