
Trump will throw everyone, even Barr, under the bus to save himself and Ivanka.

i believe that’s called the “hastert maneuver” but i might be confusing that with a wrestling maneuver or, apparently, a sexual act of the same name more common to certain adult movies.

Why put these people on television anymore?

No, see, they’re just asking questions: Why did HillaryObama get the Ukraine to hack the DNC? Why did they make it look like the Russians did it? Where is Hillary’s server? See? They’re not saying anything.....

That ... seems pretty plausible, actually. 

A lot of people are saying that… Smart people… Someone should look into it.

Yes, but in conjunction with…

or anybody’s, really...

anyone else get that Chris Cooper/American Beauty vibe off of Gym Jordan? The dumbfuck is repressed and seriously deluded. 

“we found the murder weapon.” - dems

I'm no political scientologist, but I talked to a guy who OWNS A BRIEFCASE and he said all of this could have TOTALLY HAPPENED.

Once again we can rely on CNN to present “both sides” of a Trump scandal

I don’t think he did but, apparently, the DOJ has very recently been tasked to look into Hillary...again.

Man, it’s nice seeing lying liars get called out for being lying liars on shows like these! You know what’s even better?

The Dems are withholding aid for wrestling jock straps until Jack Hanna (Milty note: Columbus humor) looks into these allegations. Hanna swears no pressure was applied.

Let me get this conspiracy theory straight. Are they saying that HillaryObama got the Ukraine to hack the DNC so trump could win, but made it look like the Russians did it for trump so that a couple years into his presidency he would look like an idiot or something? All this nonsense is confusing as hell.

Does Gym Jordan’s hunchback prevent him from ever wearing a suit jacket?  Is this a branding thing for him so he thinks he stands out or seems more authentic? 

Many people are saying that the reason Jim Jordan helped cover up sexual abuse in the wrestling program at Ohio State is because he participated in that abuse.  I don’t know anything about it, but it is something many people are saying, that Jim Jordan committed numerous acts of sexual abuse at Ohio State.  I don’t