
Anyone remember the mid-90's incident when Pierre Salinger, Kennedy’s former press secretary, held a press conference to prove TWA flight 800 was brought down by a missile? Everyone showed to this hyped event and Salinger’s proof was... anonymous claims found in an internet chatroom. Really.

Your ticket price is for the whole seat, but you’ll only need THE EDGE!

You know David, if you put these clips side by side with Rudy on SNL last night, would be hard to tell them apart. So much crazy!

“Watch the entire crazy exchange” Ohhhh no thank you, Mr. Boddiger!

The musical that includes the show stopping number “That’s What I Said But That’s Not What I Said”

He’s totally losing it.  They’re going to have to medicate him pretty soon.

Counting down the minutes until Rudy starts shouting “YOU CAN’T HANDLE THE TRUTH!!!”

A scenario any Hollywood producer would dismiss as too far fetched and, bear in mind, Hollywood greenlights some really removed-from-reality shit.

Just keep saying “only we know the truth and everyone else is conspiring against us!” and you’ll keep conservative support until the end of time.

So Trumps meeting with Ukraine was to throw us off the scent of him working with Russia? We investigate Ukraine as a red herring and blame Joe Biden’s son for hacking DNC servers back in 2016 in an attempt in framing Trump? This sounds like a Trump move.

The Ukrainians didn’t do the hacking but that doesn’t mean that Ukrainians didn’t do the hacking?


And eventually, when it’s just him and Ivanka, he’ll throw her under, too, saying “you’re not all that hot anyway.”

I have this mental image of Trump wandering around in a bathrobe, carrying his stupid iPhone, and wondering why there’s nobody to fetch him a hamberder. 

If only.

Also I bet even a MAGA chud, if they were actually in proximity to this, would change their fucking tune once they started looking at bills or prison time. But I think that’s about the only thing.

I also was thinking it sounded kind of like it had been coordinated among a few people. The whistleblower said a bunch of people came to him very concerned and wondering what to do - and then he was the one who eventually did it. I don’t know if they necessarily had a discussion about someone coming forward, but it’s

Personally, I’m hoping that at the end of it all, Tiffany & Barron are the only two still walking free.

Someone was talking about how, even a year ago, people were reluctant to join the Trump administration because the legal fees for being called before congress run into the tens of thousands of dollars to just show up and say “no comment/executive privilege” over and over again. And that was way before last week’s

This White House is emptying itself. I suspect Nick Mulvaney will resign soon.