
There are an impressive number of factual errors in that first paragraph!

Do everything in your power to get Republicans out of power, or you are complicit. Do everything in your power to hold the Democrats to account on this, or you are complicit.

I personally loved the reports that he phoned Pelosi this morning to try to call off the impeachment, like he was gonna buy her off with a truckload of slightly dented electronics at a really good special friendship price.

As usual, the Never-Trumps and the retiring Republicans continue to prove that there is no sane Republican left, not one of them can be bothered to put country before party. Justice is only something to be bought in their eyes.

Even more than this being evidence they are standing by Trump, this is also very clear evidence that they do not think for themselves. I don’t know why that is not unappealing to some voters - maybe it is, I dunno.

I hope that Trump ruins every single person who supports him as he is (hopefully) brought down, however that happens.

Funny that athletics gets this much power over something like the band at a school where the athletic department not only doesn’t make a dime, but surely costs millions. It’s not that Columbia can’t use sports as a loss leader with its billions in endowment, but it shows just how petty this whole thing is.

Considering Barr prevented the Whistleblower Report to Congress for ... reasons, I am thinking he will not only be forced to recuse himself from the impeachment investigation, will Trump will loooove, but Low Barr is set to become:

All the Dems have to do is keep following the procedure and building their case. Trump will do what he always does and incriminate himself further by running his mouth. The motherfucker has a press secretary! If there was ever a time to lay low and release statements this is it. But this dude still thinks he’s a

Heard this bizarre report of a potential strategy by Pelosi to rush into an impeachment vote against Trump on only one count

For any normal admin, this would be a concern; for this heap of psychopathically self-invested imbeciles, I say release the hounds and just watch them shit themselves pointing at each other.

Actually no, fuck him for not recognizing that the votes that got him into his seat in Maine’s new ranked-choice voting system — he was an instant-runoff win by a very slim margin were not Republicans or conservative Dems but all the third-party Green voters who likely hold positions to the left of the Dem party

Folks have been dismissing this, but they need to attend to it. The Republicans need Trump to be killed, not just wounded, so that he can’t go after them individually, but they will be happy to see him go.  I have no doubt that this assessment is correct.  They are hauling Mitt Romney out of the hangar and fueling

If Senators had term limits, I bet you could get 30...

For anyone still on the fence about the Republican party....here ya go. Zero...ZERO Republicans in office think Trump’s actions warrant consequences. They are straight up boot licking enemies of the State. They do not give an actual fuck about a single person, except themselves.

Heard this bizarre report of a potential strategy by Pelosi to rush into an impeachment vote against Trump on only one count: The Ukraine thing!

“There are reportedly 16 Democrats who are a part of the 435-member House who do not currently support an impeachment inquiry. “

I wonder how many of the 198 House Republicans who don’t support this inquiry in the face of some pretty damning evidence, absolutely lost their shit and were ready to impeach Barack Obama for his fairly mild statement to Dmitry Medvedev that he’d have “more flexibility” to negotiate after the 2012 election.

I know it didn’t happen, but in my head, Amash got absolutely blitzed off of Founders beer, stumbled over to the house dems with dolt 45's tweets still on his mind and goes “You know what? FUCK THAT GUY!”