
From 2016. Chipotle gonna Chipotle.

Shut up, commie bastard! If they want to make more than minimum wage, why don’t they learn a skill that pays them better?!

100%. Workers like these who work in these conditions are always shocked by a, “Thanks. Appreciate you.” They deserve respect on both sides of the counter.

These people handle our food. They deserve our respect and they deserve to make a decent living.

“Nancy Pelosi and the Democrats are the deer (forever getting themselves caught in the same shit)“

But I’d...I’d accept that outcome. Because even Nikki Haley is better than the shitstain currently in office.

I think a lot of things are possible, BUT I think we can count on Trump taking some of his base with him because he will be so mad at the “traitors” in his party. 

Where you err, I imagine, is in assuming there exist any Republicans who don’t already know and remain completely untroubled by the fact that Trump has done some seriously bad shit.

So let’s say republican senators want to see the complaint because they truly think there could be some really seriously bad shit. Then that convinces 13 of them to vote for impeachment.

The important point, and I saw Pelosi herself made it clear on Twitter, is you don’t need a legally defined quid pro quo to justify impeachment. I was impressed by her stating that so clearly.

Um, do you hear yourself?

This. Even if nothing comes of it, part of me takes comfort in the idea that he’s most likely miserable right now. You have to celebrate the little things, you know? How I’m about to be full well knowing that I have a my annual check up appointment tomorrow:

Trump seems very paranoid. He always seems to act like the walls are closing in on him and yet, somehow he manages to escape with barely a scratch.

“Oh, man, Maguire just called and says he has to wash his hair that day, how would sometime on the 3rd of Never work for the Senate?”

Kyle Average

We all do know that any “transcript” which trump releases will be at best a heavily edited (cf Nixon tapes) script?  At worst, it’ll be a complete fabrication. We need the actual whistleblower’s report, at the very least.

Sad truth is that even if we held him accountable, impeached his butt, and removed his butt from the WH, his criminal behavior would continue no matter where he ends up.