
I’d actually take that bet. I don’t think the problem is that Pelosi is personally implicated in this story. She’s not corrupt in any way that isn’t systematic and regularized, so I profoundly doubt she’s got any personal skin in the game. Rather, the problem is that for the first time in her career, her political

This, and also: What if the GOP sticking together on Trump could be used to, I dunno, fire up the base in Senate races across the country in 2020?

Exactly.... Everyone’s wise to this tell already, so nobody is expecting HIM to lift a finger. Just let Adam Schiff get on with dragging it out of Maguire et al.

The thing that Pelosi’s never seemed to understand was Trump was not going to stop committing impeachable offenses. She apparently thought the Mueller investigation would either result in a clear enough case for impeachment that it would dramatically shift public opinion, or that it wouldn’t and then the issue would

Five bucks says something really damning about Pelosi comes out during this—probably not directly related to this, but really bad—and she conveniently decides not to run for re-election.

Trump has some obvious tells. This is the same as his “you’ll see my taxes once the audit is over” and the “I would love to sit down with Mueller for an interview” lies. He has no intention of ever releasing the call transcript. But if it ever did happen, it would be highly edited/redacted and otherwise altered down

gauging whether the new Ukrainian president was “pro-Russian or pro-Western.”

And did you get a load of him saying to reporters, “when the call comes out, and I hope you see it” to “I didn’t say I wanted to release the transcripts at all!”.... In the same interview? He’s flailing badly.

Remember, folks: in the face of overwhelming evidence that Trump did treasonous and impeachable crimes, there is always somebody complaining that a Democrat or the family member of a Democrat is corrupt.

OTOH: Trump is a fucking idiot criminal. Maybe he didn’t think about going to the DOJ because he’s a fucking idiot criminal.

I’m about as anti-Biden as anyone on the left can be, but it’s a whole lot more complicated than that. The good folks over at electoral-vote.com have a good write-up on it today, but the long and short of it is that Hunter Biden was indeed on the board of a shady Ukrainian energy company that was under investigation

If there was really anything of real corruption on Hunter Biden, Trump would have gone to the DOJ, rather than trying to leverage a foreign leader

Clearly, the only game Trump ever played was Monopoly, where he was a cheating banker, tried to start with hotels on every property, and flipped the table to declare himself winner when he went bankrupt.

Okay, but this all requires you to believe that Trump is a corrupt fraud who is completely unable or unwilling to put the interests of the country ahead of his own political interests. That seems really out of character for Trump!

It’s pretty clear Trump never played Risk as a kid, otherwise he would know better than to mess with the mighty Ukraine.

Trump should have been impeached for colluding with Russia. Long overdue now that he’s colluding with Ukraine. Folks, Trump has normalized a whole lotta bad stuff but we cannot allow him to normalize using the power of the Oval Office as leverage against leaders in other countries. It’s not fair, so he’s gotta go. And

Shitting on Gandhi is a bold take. I’ll give you credit there.

You got one too!

If they were Nazis, were they *really* that great ?