No b&w short film? That’s the only reason I clicked.
No b&w short film? That’s the only reason I clicked.
Good riddance, but if he wants to take Kraft and Roethlisberger with him, I wouldn’t object.
Yeah, I can’t beleive the Patriots pulled a fast one on a player who has burned bridges on two teams in less than nine months.
My post is not intended, whatsoever, to comment on Brown’s guilt or innocence of any of the charges against him.
I’m trying to make an analogy to the time a classmate in high school stole the biology teacher’s calculator and got caught and suspended when he attempted to sell it back to him, but I’m not finding the angle.
It is pretty interesting how well this all worked out for the NFL. Patriots cut Brown and may end up getting out of paying Brown almost all of his money. This route seemed to have been enabled by the league’s dragging its feet on placing Brown on the exempt list, which would have essentially been paid leave for…
This diva piece of shit can't see his part in any of this.
But at least the new helmet is working out though.
This is the worst episode of Ballers ever.
Impressive, really..
If I had only the two of them to choose from, I agree with you, but as far as the whole crowd goes, I’d like to see Yang talking about UBI for a while longer.
I don’t support Booker, but I’d rather see Yang drop out.
Booker is a significantly flawed but generally good candidate. I'll be sorry to see him go.
Right. You picture Ma Belichick working all day on a “Happy 2nd Game Antonio!” cake, then just throwing it away.
I don’t think it was even the off the field stuff, really.
No, they just signed him after the Oakland issues, the Pittsburgh outbursts, the multiple DV police calls, the hotel meltdown. Let's not over praise an employer who decided not to deal with a knucklehead employee.
It was the texts on Wednesday night. Up until then you can play the he said/she said let’s wait until this works it way through courts/NFLs sham of a review policy. But now we have actual documentation, from 2 days ago, where he is threatening a women. This is the equivalent of the Ray Rice video. Once you…
I’m just glad we got it out in the open that while two sexual assault allegations were okay, threatening said women’s children is NOT the Patriot Way™.
Well that escalated, deescalated, escalated and deescalated quickly...
Was perhaps expecting more an initial suspension or something, but this isn’t also that big a surprise. Especially after Belichick’s walkout from the interview.