
Those silly communist veterans just don’t get it. Soldiers fight to make sure that corpulent, syphilitic septuagenarian WASPs can pad their already-stuffed bank accounts even further.

Wow! Good for these nutjobs. Crenshaw was all KINDS of flustered. If you can't account for yourself, you oughtn't to be allowed to represent others.

Willing to bet he doesn’t realize that by comparing this to an ambush what he’s actually saying is that he wasn’t, at that time, prepared to defend his own supposedly firmly held beliefs.

“As Crenshaw notes, the interaction was clearly set up to be on video.”

Poor little fascist snowflake gets “ambushed”. He’s a bully and a fucking coward that hates the people he served with and abuses the power the people have given him to reward the greed and prejudice of assholes like Trump.

Bet he didn’t see that coming.

I was in my thirties and lived in the Hudson Valley at the time, and everyone I knew there — both upstaters and big city folks — rolled their eyes at Giuliani’s schtick after 9/11. He was broadly known as a panderer even then, although I don’t think people saw him as the rankly incompetent/unhinged personage he comes

So what? The admin/Mayor 9/11 & trump are all untouchable. They admit to 10 crimes a day and get away with it. They are actually, seemingly, very smart here. They have discovered that if you commit 10 crimes a day and publicize them they are apparently no longer crimes. They are 10 minutes of “scandal” and then those

Trump probably pushed the Ukrainian president into digging up dirt on Biden to bury him for the impending 2020 election. He then made this mysterious “promise” in exchange for this. I assume the quid pro quo involved providing financial aid (the U.S. did release military aid package to Ukraine after a July phone call

Rudy’s old and he day-drinks. If there was any competent media organization in the White House, he’d be banned from appearing after lunch.

Rudy is complicit in the Trump Cartel’s crimes, so fuck him. That said, yeah, every time he ends up on one of these interviews, there’s more than a faint whiff of elder abuse. This pathetic old man should be sitting in his robe and slippers in a retirement home shouting at the TV, not appearing on it.

it’s the courtroom scene from A Few Good Men only without good men

This is a bad take. Frustration, alongside normalization, is a main part of their game plan.

I think half the reason they do it is to give Cuomo and Lemon rhetorical sparring opponents they have weight class advantage on.

I am perfectly willing to believe there was a time when Rudy Giuliani was a competent, intelligent, and effective lawyer.

I am of the ardent belief that time passed at least twenty years ago, if not before. His run as “America’s Mayor” was perhaps a final gasp of performative decency (and I stress “performative” here—I

Christ. I’m so bored with this. It’s like the shittiest possible remake of Groundhog Day. Every day, it’s the exact same thing. “CNN gave crazy Trump asshole some airtime, and guess what? They behaved like a crazy asshole.” Then we all gasp and drop our monocles into our china teacups and get outraged. Then we write

It’s hard for these old senile men to keep track of all the different lies.

Well look at the bright side— literally hundreds fewer women had to be raped before somebody at Michigan State noticed this time! I mean, that’s progress no matter which way you look at it.

In his defense, the guy was really good at football.

He must’ve used some of that extreme vetting Trump was going on about.