
Both shores had actual abuses occur. There’s a lot of sketchy sex too, where everyone is WAY too inebriated.

I was going to mention Charlotte and the parsnip! I love her so, but she’s a problem with the peeing and parsnip loving and punching.

It had something special. Honestly, if you can stomach the extra banging, Geordie Shore was an acceptable substitute.

I’m rewatching Buffy now and my biggest question is why the hell did they sexually pair the 16/17 year old with the 200 year old. Angel is a dick.

If he asked you to stop, tried to leave the situation and you detained him, then yes. You should have expected that.

Thank you. truly.

Not necessarily, because changing the aggressor from the smaller less physically intimidating person to the larger more physically intimidating person changes things.

She was reacting to him forcibly not allowing her to leave.

Thank god she didn’t get it. She has another ten years of growing up before I find her anything less than obnoxious. I feel bad for her here though. No one deserves and Aaron Cartering.

She has those lady friends that have been around together. There was a brief moment in the divorce where she was a horrible witch and they were possibly her coven. Not even lying, but it may have been the Daily Mail.

Is she not just one of the girls I went to high school with, but with more money and an ‘art’ job?

Did you see the ad posted upthread? That’s why. Their parents believe in that shite, were indoctrinated in it. They got the watered down version, but it still effed them up.

Let’s just make him a sign for his desk that says ‘King Consort’ and call it a day.

Sorry but insta babe is FIFTY? I’m speechless

“After reviewing the audiotape, V.F. stands by Peretz’s story as published.”

Angie made a huge mistake treating Vanity Fair like People. She responded like a celeb and underestimated the magazine by trying strong arm them. I love her but this entire debacle has been an excercise in hubris.

It’s so typical of a teen to use this style argument so they don’t feel all their life choices are invalidated by their age. You sound incredibly young.

Trite. 5/10 insult.

Satire is supposed to be witty or funny. So definitely not.

I just flagged the comment where he told someone to kill themselves. Sometimes it’s nice to engage to see if real discussion is possible, but really it’s just kind of gross.