
Here for this. 

I mean, they were streaming PUBG a fair amount for a while. It’s not like they don’t like it.

Both games get appropriate responses. PUBG earned their public image of being whiny bitches with a shoddy product. Fortnite earned their public image of respecting consumers and offering a good product.

A PUBG article about a glitchy exploit allowing people to troll running immediately after a Fortnite article about a huge, well-executed community event that got people really excited seems like a good snapshot of the status and public perception of the two games.


Er, it’s not Gamestop having a freakout—it’s an independent game store that may well be losing a significant chunk of business to day-one digital models that will preclude in-store purchases of physical discs.

Can’t really blame them since they have been struggling for years like most other brick and mortars.

Those BFII numbers, though a million short, are still incredibly high for a game as cheap and quick as BFII is to make, especially with aaaallll the bad press it got. Means the loot box future isn’t going anywhere in AAA and if you don’t like the practices there are just games you don’t get to play anymore.

I wonder if its going to be like Mario Run free to try out and if you like it you can just buy it outright. I prefer that over having to either grind for things to get them free or fork out cash for gems etc.

Bad troll is bad

It certainly is. Not exactly the “drop in” co-op advertised on the back of the box haha. Thanks for helping with the reply.

I mean the gameplay is nothing like most JRPGs so that’s a really bad way of thinking about it.

Can someone explain this whole “watch a cutscene before you can play with your friend” thing? Me and my buddies can be at the exact same point in the story, but the game says we haven’t progressed enough in the story to join the next posted quest. Super annoying especially when there IS NO cutscene and we have the

“I prefer conversation with people so I can be a snarky dick to every single person that talks to me.”

And yet, this group had a prototype and an end-date of the same month, so that doesn’t really work here. Not to mention there should’ve been no obstacles from what they described.

That gloss finish is known among scientists and connoisseurs as ‘cheap plastic’

And you may or may not lack empathy. But you do, so you’re a jerk. :P

Then you’re a jerk.

Like I said, the market completely changed for wearables in the years following Pebble’s conception and market release. They definitely failed to innovate and couldn’t keep up with Apple, Garmin, and Fitbit, but the Pebble was the product they promised.

There are so many wonderful things on kickstarter and indiegogo, but because of stories like these, I never back them... I don’t have a lot of disposable income, so the fear of losing even a little bit of money is too much. I’m sorry for all the people who got bad products...