There have been 8 main CoD games plus a quite a few spinoff titles, there have been 2 main CS games with 2 offshoot titles. With the exception of CSX, CS has only been marketed on 1 platform, CoD has been on at least 6.
There have been 8 main CoD games plus a quite a few spinoff titles, there have been 2 main CS games with 2 offshoot titles. With the exception of CSX, CS has only been marketed on 1 platform, CoD has been on at least 6.
You disliking the game has nothing to do with its global popularity, though.
"In a month's time, DayZ—the zombie-survival variant of Arma II— has quickly established itself as one of the most appealing mods of a PC game in recent history, if ever."
I agree. Why don't more F2P games just let me pay em 50 bucks and unlock EVERYTHING in the pay store and all content?
Getting back into Skyrim, maybe a little more Diablo III but I'm getting kinda burned out on that. Probably some CS:GO as well, maybe a little Halo: Reach.
I didn't find the trailer offensive at all. The only real reason I think it could be is if you're religious, I guess.
Yeah, THQ is in some deep shit, but I don't think they're actually going to go down, at least not yet. I hope for their sake that Darksiders 2 and such do really well, though.
"And with the announcement that THQ is closing its doors, one has to wonder how it'll play out when one of these game giants collapses and all their IPs, first and second-party developers, etc. are let loose."
This game looks really fucking cool.
I would love a 360 pad with both sticks up top for FPS games.
You should realize that every single comment on here is opinion, and people shouldn't have to state it. =/
"Gearbox has yet to do anything great, and more importantly, anything different. "
"don't think MS really needs to focus on the hardcore gaming market that much anymore. MS got into the console business because they wanted a way into the living room. The Kinect seems to be doing that much better. It also didn't cost them billions in losses. If they really cared about the games they wouldn't have…
I agree, I don't have a Vita yet due to not having the cash for one, and the games so far haven't looked that great, but the system itself is amazing, and I want one just for the technology in it. It's an awesome machine.
Diablo 3 with some CS:GO thrown in.
You mad?
This has nothing to do with idiots. People like us who read this site will obviously know the difference. But what about kids (one of the biggest racing demographics) who hear about the new NFS game, and then when their parent orders it they get the wrong one?
Due to the massive amount of players at tournaments, they all require wired cables, because if you have too many wireless controllers at one event the signals cause interference.