
Have you ever tried playing CS or UT with a shit mouse? Doesn't work well.

Getting popped in the face and having to wait a week to play again sounds horrible, lol.

I also have terrible eyesight and can't see shit without glasses. I also blame the porn.

Well, you're not thinking this through all the way. Sure, everyone loves kittens, I'll give you that.

"Let's say you found a decent mechanic. Finishes repairs before he says he would, charges you fair prices, never rips you off. Then word gets around that every Saturday he puts a kitten on top of a 50 foot flagpole and waits for them to tire out and falls to their deaths. Would you continue doing business with him?"

I don't think any brick-shaped object could be defined as "comfee".

I'd save my line piece to clear her box.

You know that Bethesda published RAGE, right?

He wasn't saying it would die, he was saying he wanted to stop using it...

I was of the understanding that they had to change it not due to suicidal symbolism, but lynching... Either way, it was stupid that they had to change it.

Wine works for the most part, but not everything runs well (or at all). Having native Linux support would be much, much better than what we have now.

They actually confirmed that it will be f2p?

I only use Windows because I game. I far prefer using Linux. As long as the Source engine runs on it, I'll definitely use Linux a lot more.

Back when I played WoW, one time I couldn't figure out why my friend wasn't answering the ready check before a pull during a raid (think it was ICC). I called him on his cell, and he woke up really confused, apparently he had passed out on his keyboard XD

Hey, whoa there. A lot of the New 52 and such is excellent. Hell, they succeeded in making Aquaman cool. That's hard.

I could've filmed the shit I took this morning and it would've been better than anything by The Asylum.

To be fair guys, stealing a CC isn't the only way to get Fb credits. You can just have them text you, and then charge it to the phone bill. So any kid who has a cell phone (most kids now) can easily charge stuff to that bill, hoping the parent won't bother checking over the bill completely.

I enjoyed the person who's name is Nuckin' Futs saying he doesn't hang out with people who say "fuck" much. xD

Yeah dude. Bumped Jumper kicks ass, but unless you wanna claw (and clawing hurts my hands after like 10 minutes), you're fucked for Jetpacks =/

It's like when you set a song you love as your ringtone.