
At least in my town, by "competitive wages" you must mean "minimum wage with no benefits". Not that they're evil or anything for doing it, but I had to point that out... then again, the economic state of my city is so bad that almost any job not requiring a college education is minimum wage for the most part...

This has to be an early April Fool's... this is beyond stupid. "So, you know how e-sports get bigger and bigger every year? Well, we decided that we didn't like it anymore, so instead we're going to host Angry Birds tournaments."

I think AT&T is actually probably my personal winner for most evil on this list.

EA sucks but Activision is worse, IMO.

I understand what she's talking about, I know plenty of girls who start pretending they like nerdy stuff as soon as they date a guy who enjoys that stuff, but I don't really think its a big issue... Who the fuck cares? I suppose I would consider myself a "true" nerd, but I don't like the stuff I do because I'm trying

"Because we don't have enough WWII games, right?"

It's as RNG based as DnD itself is... as in, dice rolls definitely matter a lot, but using proper strategy and building your character right matters more.

"Same old classic game world you know and love, only now the cars drive better and the on-foot combat isn't an exercise in self-flagellation."

Halo was supposed to be directed by Neil Blomkamp (SP?) and Peter Jackson... it would've been so cool.

I miss back when the 007 games were awesome and relevant. Sooo much fun with Golden Eye, Nightfire, and Agent Under Fire.

The GS in my town stopped selling most last gen games quite some time ago... there's a shelf with some PS2/GC/Xbox games, but they don't accept new ones anymore and they haven't sold the consoles or accessories for about 2 years.

It's pretty fucking dumb that people pay for the online pass, pay for XBL, pay for the game, THE GAME DOESN'T EVEN USE FUCKING DEDICATED SERVERS, yet EA is still being an asshat and shutting the servers down. If we pay for it, and it costs next to nothing for them to maintain, they should just fucking keep them up.

It doesn't look generic, but everyone here should know by now that xXinsane1Xx is a bad troll anyways.

There's a difference, though, between DVDs and games. Everyone switched to streaming due to the fact that a) you watch a movie in <2hrs, and most you don't rewatch, b) streaming a huge library of movies costs about 8 bucks a month, and c) when you press play it starts playing the movie instantly.

Well, the douches in that video weren't joking, but I'm assuming the guy who posted it was...

Awesome theme for this week's WW. I snagged that "Rainy Day" one with the water on the glass, but there were quite a few awesome ones.

Bah. My friend has a copy of the book, I might borrow it, I like how its a little more serious, but the "young adult teen" shit gets old really quick.

At least you're saying its just different tastes, with which I agree. I went to see it in IMAX 3D and the special effects were fucking fantastic. Story was a bit weak, but that wasn't what I went to see it for.

I remember going to see Drive Angry, loving the shit out of it, and then finding out it was the worst 3D movie flop ever. And its one of the few that has actually had good 3D in it...

There's like 10 other characters that they should've killed before Dale. There's a lot of people I wouldn't mind dying, but I really dug Dale. I, however, haven't read the comics beyond the first trade paperback.