
So how do you guys pick which rumors get posted and which don't? And I know you posted it as a rumor, and I'm not trying to start anything, I'm actually curious as to what you guys consider stuff that is just thrown around, and what is worthy of posting?

He didn't say or suggest any of that, he mentioned their art styles because they are prominent games stylized like that. People say that stuff looks like Gears, or Sin City, or WoW, or Pixar, or whatever, because their art style is well known and understood, not necessarily because they invented the style.

I dunno, I've never spent much time on /v/, mainly due to all the nerdrage and fanboyism that goes on there. I know places like Kotaku aren't exempt from it, and I've probably fallen prey to doing it at some point, but I guess I've never really given /v/ much of a chance.

Psshhh well, you insulted something that I enjoyed, so therefore I'm going to get so mad I'm going to spill my coffee all over my keyboard and punch my monitor at the same time. I hope you feel satisfied, jerk.

Oh, I see it now. I hope its just something from the concept art, seeing real life ads in games has always annoyed me. At least it seems well integrated into the game, I guess...

I think that I'm one of the few people who loved Rage... but I can't think of a single id game I haven't enjoyed, so eh.

The pics did, but the cancellation rumor didn't. And Bethesda has recently said that Doom 4 is indeed still on, although I know you mentioned that in the article. I just was wondering why you brought up the 4chan cancellation thing at all.

I'm confused... did I miss a McDonald's billboard in one of the pics or something?...

I personally loved both Doom 3 and Rage. But they were nothing like their old titles. If Doom 4 was either like their newer stuff or their old, either way I would be very happy.

Those are cool screens but since when did anything on 4chan be worth noting, even as a rumor? They've also rumored that OP is a "fag", and that black people (although they sure don't call them that lol) rape everyone they see. Last time I checked, that stuff generally gets dismissed as garbage... Once again, awesome

Why would you be offended that the game is based around the fact that God told a man to kill his own child and he was going to do it. Because guess what, according to your beliefs that is true. There's no atheist bible that mentions a story of how nature told an important man to murder his child, so there's no

You could beat a 30hr game in one sitting? =O Impressive.

Exactly. I don't really feel the urge to justify my gaming time, since I game in free time anyways. If a game gets boring, then I'll get a new game, or read a book, or watch Netflix (or read Kotaku). But unless your gaming interferes with your work/social life, there's not really a reason to justify it. Just spend

Also, unless its a really good game, I very rarely replay games. For stuff I really like (like Bungie, Valve, and some BioWare games), sure I'll beat it again on the hardest difficulty, but for the majority of games I don't usually replay them. If the MP is good I'll play it, but so many games have MP now that it

Yeah, I get pissed when they're like "Move the right stick/mouse to look around" and then wait for you to do it, and then congratulate you on it. Every damn FPS has used the same basic movement controls since TimeSplitters and Halo, I don't need a damn tutorial to do it. And please don't give me an achievement for

It depends on the game, but I generally actually like shorter games. When a game is 4 hours I feel ripped off, but when a shooter lasts more than 20 hours or an RPG more than 40, I generally get sick of them. Of course, that's not always true, there are games I've put hundreds and hundreds of hours into, and there are

Yeah. Not only did spring break come to early, I just got hired into a new job that feels the urge to disregard my "full time student" thing and give me a ton of hours, too. >.< So ME3 time is going to be limited at launch, although finally having another job so I'm not broke all the time is worth it, lol.

I bet no one has called iPad 10 in 2019 though!

Because who you're sexually attracted to TOTALLY defines how bad ass he is and whether he can stop the Reapers.

Lol lucky you! My college is stupid and decided spring break should be this week instead of next. >.<