Some parts of Crysis have blown me away, but a lot of that is related to the graphics. Far Cry's actual gameplay and setting amazed me back then.
Some parts of Crysis have blown me away, but a lot of that is related to the graphics. Far Cry's actual gameplay and setting amazed me back then.
Thank you =D I was just going to wait for it to get fixed, lol.
That's a console video, at once point it has a prompt for him to click the analogue stick. So, the graphics aren't going to get dumbed down even further, they're as dumbed down as they're going to get, and they don't look that bad, IMO. Hopefully the PC version looks better though.
Silly Owen linking wrong.
11 Hardly Seen Sequels just links back to this page for me.
I thought Far Cry 1, which came out way before Uncharted.
I loved Far Cry Instincts so much online. The campaign sucked in comparison to FC1, but Predator mode on custom maps was just awesome. It was up there with Halo 2 as the best things to ever happen on original Xbox Live.
I so hope this has elements from the original Far Cry, after they completely ditched everything for FC2. Adding Carver into the game, maybe as an NPC, and having the cool sci-fi twist again would be really awesome.
You do realize that Crysis was the spiritual sequel to the original Far Cry and was by the same people, right?
Yeah, when I saw "Snatch" in the headline, I chuckled, and skipped the actual article until I read all of the comments, because you can't just call a game Catacomb Snatch and not have the internet make funnies.
But they didn't pick a battle "just because", they stood their ground because of the fact that no journalist should get bullied around by big corporations for posting stuff that the corporation doesn't like. This is no better than when publishers refuse advertising on sites that give their games bad reviews. Its just…
Oh, wow, I didn't realize it was that bad. Disregard my previous comment then, 2 shotting dragons is different from being slightly OP. =)
Probably some DCU Online, just started today, fairly fun. Also, Skyrim, probably some CS:S, and I decided to replay the whole HL series, just put about 2 hours into HL1.
It didn't come until later, but Just Cause 2's demo was so amazing. There'd be so many times I would have an actual game in the disc tray and decide to load up JC2 Demo instead lol.
I would love to play all of my games with kb/m. I have a great Razer mouse and a nice gaming keyboard.
He also fought alligators in the Batman and Tarzan comics.
I'll have to give it a try soon, sounds awesome. Thanks
The main two competitive FPS games are Counter-Strike and Halo. Guess what they don't have? ADS doesn't make a game non-competitive by default, but it takes away most of the aiming involved.
"I'm a PC gamer and we have better MP titles"
Remember when EVERY fps was WWII? Now EVERY fps is modern... I hate how the industry seems to always get stuck in ruts. I like modern, futuristic, and WWII games, so I wish they all got the same attention at the same time.