I feel that for video games, RPGs have split into two main categories. Combat based RPGs and story based RPGs.
I feel that for video games, RPGs have split into two main categories. Combat based RPGs and story based RPGs.
That is pretty awesome. I hadn't even heard of this game, but its definitely on my radar of games to get now.
I have all of them, but I think II was the best (I had the Xbox version, Spawn was pretty cool).
This is awesome. The only 2 instant messenger systems I use at all are Facebook and Steam, since most people I know stopped using garbage like Live Messenger and AIM a long time ago.
He mentioned timers on PCs, which is cool, that's obviously where I do most of my sitting. But is there a way to do that on an Android phone (other than setting up seperate timers for every single hour).?
Yeah, I'm the kinda person who will sit down with a good video game or a Netflix marathon for 6+hrs on days where I have no plans.
The large majority of us enjoy playing online. And locking down games isn't the way to go, but neither is mass piracy. How about just letting people own and do as they want with the property they paid for?
Sure, capitalism kicks ass. And you know a big part of capitalism? Ownership of what you purchase. Its a right, and its one that companies don't give a shit about anymore because they are trying to say that all software is actually just leased out. That 60 bucks you paid for that game? Well, you technically own the…
When I worked at a restaurant with my friend, we were both pretty big Magic players, but we didn't exactly tell everyone, lol.
Ah, yes, I was more referring to the people who do stuff like buy shitty games with easy 1k or just play so much that they 1k every game they play, regardless of quality.
Assuming your friends aren't achievement whores who go after every last one, people's 360 achievement lists are a good way to see what they're into. What games they've played, how dedicated to them they were, and even what playstyle they were into for the game if it has different achievements based on…
Exactly. I'm hoping this is just another one of the shitty, baseless rumors, because if they're really thinking they can do this like computers do where there isn't really a used game market, they're wrong.
I've been sort of an Xbox fan since I got my original Xbox (other systems have awesome stuff, and my PS2 got played nearly as much as my Xbox), but I just love Halo too much. Too much.
I can vouch for Titan Quest, it's pretty awesome, as long as you know that you're basically playing a Diablo 2 clone set in Greek mythology. It's a good clone, though.
Pretty nice list, although I haven't played a few of the games on there. Thank you for bringing up M&B Warband and Vampire the Masquerade, I enjoy those games a lot but didn't have space for them on my list.
I never played the Strangelove mod, but I just looked it up, it looks pretty cool. Maybe sometime I'll throw UT'99 back on my PC and check it out.
Trust him, he's very serious.
UT2k3 was a good game, but I loved the shit out of Onslaught mode, so 2k4 wins for me by a lot.
Good list, I enjoyed all of the games on there (except for the few I didn't play, never played Alice but definitely keep meaning to get it, never played Mafia but looked pretty cool, and I never played the original C&C, I've only played Tiberian Sun, Red Alert 2/3, and C&C3 but enjoyed those, although my suckiness at…
Decent list, but obviously not everyone will agree. What are your guys' top 12 PC titles?