That doesn't change whether it was worth $60 when it came out or not. Back then it didn't have any of that stuff.
That doesn't change whether it was worth $60 when it came out or not. Back then it didn't have any of that stuff.
I went with friends to go see this at midnight tonight. The theater's website said they had a midnight showing, the actual showtimes AT THE FRICKING THEATER showed a midnight showing, and then the clerk told me that there wasn't a midnight showing and that they were "actually closed", despite that theater not closing…
Oh, I agree, an IPS still might be better off for him, I was just saying that a blanket statement "Go for IPS only" doesn't necessarily work.
IPS looks great, but they're not necessarily the best... TN panels are generally better for gaming, even though they don't look as nice. And since he works for a video gaming blog...
Yeah I got a 24" Asus 1920x1080 and it looks great, I love it.
Ah, cool, thanks for the info. =)
The higher your resolution, the less you need AA. And I don't remember his specs completely, but he's using a 580GTX, and assuming the rest of his hardware is also pretty good, he can absolutely destroy games like Crysis 2 at 1920x1080 even with 4xAA.
I think it depends on the game... I thought Dead Space's use of in-game stuff for all of the HUD elements was really awesome, and some FPS games without a HUD at all look really cinematic and awesome, but when I used to be a full time raider in WoW (god that sounds lame when I think about it now =/ ) I had stuff all…
Do you know if you need an SLi capable board to run a second card in PhysX mode? I've got a 9800GT and I'll be jumping either to a 560Ti or a 570, but my mobo doesn't have SLi capability (only CF), so I wasn't sure if I could do PhysX or not. If not it's not a huge deal though, most of the games I still play don't use…
"Hmm.. I wonder why PC gaming isn't as popular as it once was. "
His PC specs can handle higher resolutions with ease, he got a beast. He really should be rocking at least 1920x1080 if he wants to use his PC to any decent potential.
"PC games dont have an edge over consoles anymore now that consoles have finally closed the gap"
Amazon makes a profit off of each app sold, and consumers don't have to wade through as many shitty apps because Amazon checks each app to make sure it at least works on a basic level before selling it.
The Archos mini tablets and MP3 players are based on Android (the touch screen ones at least).
Is it fun acting like an asshole on the internet?
I'm getting MK9 for 360 at launch, but I plan on getting L.A. Noire, Portal 2, Crysis 2, Children of Eden, and Brink eventually also. Portal 2 would be launch day material also but it comes out the same day as MK9 does...
I wish more games let you pause cutscenes. I swear to God, as soon as a critical storyline cutscene starts, everyone else in the house does everything as loud as possible so I can't possibly hear it, or suddenly decides they need my help for something RIGHT THEN, or wants to have some meaningful conversation, despite…
Wow, that shows how tired I am. I read that sentence as foam, for some reason thought of Nerf guns (probably the foam darts?), and then I accepted the sentence as a perfectly fine statement and didn't even think about why he put the word foam there in the first place.
Same here, I loved the standard GBA's comfort level (probably the most comfortable Nintendo handheld ever), only reason I dug the SP was the small size and awesome backlighting.
Back in middle school we took a trip to Washington DC (I'm located in mid-Michigan), and that game completely made the trip bearable for our young, ADD riddled minds. Passing the GBA around, making false promises and tense treaties that neither side adhered too... 4 player on that game was awesome.