Oh, this is good. TheRoot is owned by Mexicans. Now it all makes sense. Why do Mexicans own a black web site?
Oh, this is good. TheRoot is owned by Mexicans. Now it all makes sense. Why do Mexicans own a black web site?
You know some black people think for themselves and don’t have to have white democrat politicians do their thinking.
Yeh, don’t let facts get in your head
did they have Playstations in Germany also?
I hear they are making lampshades from the skin of latino children.
During WW2 the Grand Mufti in Palestine (now Israel) asked the Nazis to help him set up a concentration camp for Jews.
Democrat Chris Van Hollen is on tv saying he would NOT support a bill to end separation of families. He said he would only support “catch and release”. So stop the bullshit outrage.
Yep, more democrat talking points. Disgusting.
Read interviews with slaves to find out what it was like to be a slave.
so Lincoln lied.
I guess Lincoln was lying when he said it wasn’t about slavery. The Root should publish these secret Lincoln documents where he said it was about slavery. The simple fact is that the North didn’t push the anti-slavery narrative until half way through the war.
You want to know the truth about slavery? Read the Slave Chronicles. FDR had a WPA project to interview surviving former slaves. So you can read the words of real slaves. Many of these interviews are available on the internet.
The Civil War wasn’t about slavery and Lincoln did say that. And not just once. In fact Lincoln wanted to ship out all the slaves. Do facts hurt you?
I’m also shocked to learn HHS has no experience in dealing with children.
I think a drug dealer showing up with someone else’s kid at the border should count as a family. How dare Trump take a child away from a drug dealer or a human trafficker?
I can’t wait until we are like a Central American country.
Well if one person said it, we need to believe them without question. No need to seek another source for corroboration. No one ever lies. We need to believe this guy blindly.
when I was a kid, it was black people that could get day labor work. Black people were roofers, started landscaping businesses. I never saw one Mexican until the 1990's. Now all those jobs blacks had are taken by Latinos. QUIT BEING SLAVES TO THE DEMOCRAT PARTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SUPPORT YOUR OWN…
Yeh, summer camp lasts a week. These separation last for a couple of days. Also summer camp the real parents bring the kids. Here we have drug dealers using someone else’s kids to enter the country.