
All this phony outrage. LOL.

all you have are insults. no facts.

Lol think of all those poor kids in summer camp. Damaged forever

Obama freed any illegals with kids. Illegals caught on and started bringing kids

I wish the root was more concerned about black problems than pushing Democratic talking points

Oh the horrors.

Articles like this show that the root isn’t for black people but just a site to promote democrat talking points.

This can’t be said loudly enough, you are fucking idiot. The law, which predates Trump says that with 72 hours, these children must be in custody of HHS.

You can blame Obama. Before Obama it was rare for family units to show up at the border. Obama treated those who arrived with children as have a free pass. It went from 15000 a year before Obama to 75000 in 5 years under Obama. In many cases these aren’t even their kids!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This airs full of bullshit

But even though our national debt is now 20 trillion, I think we can still take in a few million unskilled, uneducated people every year, who a best can pick lettuce in California. And it won’t matter that we provide welfare for them, free education for their kids. How much does it cost to educate one child in

So the priorities of our government should be to first give everyone on the planet a better life and then protect the citizens of the USA. There are literally billions of people that want to live here. What is standard for who we help? The most needy or those who make the biggest show? Since you think we should help

those laws are there to protect us and provide a civil society. These “families” wouldn’t be ripped apart if they would stay in their own country, or at least stay in Mexico. All I can think about is Elian Gonzalez whom Clinton sent armed soldiers to get. Ripped away from his family and sent to Cuba. You didn’t have a

Um, so you are saying that the Government shouldn’t enforce laws?

Let me give you a little help. The Bible wasn’t written in English.

so if someone quotes the Bible to defend slavery, then that means the Bible is bad? Some twisted logic there.

When you clone someone they are usually of the same race

Beat me to it. What’s funny is before the white settlers showed up the Native Americans were murdering each other , enslaving each other and taking each other’s land. Yet somehow they are pure people who are victims.

I really enjoy the CNN stories about some woman who was beaten by her husband so she had to come to America. So moving to another city isn’t good enough. Moving a thousand miles away isn’t good enough. Moving to the next country isn’t good enough. Moving two countries away isn’t good enough. No, they have to move to

This is just like slavery. Europeans going down to Honduras and kidnapping people and bringing them here as slaves. Oh wait, that’s not what’s happening. No, this lady had to travel through Guatamala and then Mexico to get here. She didn’t ask for refuge in either country which shows she wasn’t fleeing anything. She