
To call this car half-assed is to insult everyone who has ever put forth a genuinely mediocre effort to complete half of a task. This thing is like one-quarter-of-one cheeked.

I got one of those really phallic-looking Euro-style tow balls just as incentive to take it off when not in use.

So he needed head to transform. That’s a whole different show.

[Propeller noises]

My father’s 1973 Coupe de Ville was comfortable as hell - I used to fall asleep in the back seat on drives to the Jersey Shore.

Now I just need a bucket large enough to submerge my entire car.

I don’t understand, you didn’t know cross chaining was a thing? Even if your rear cassette was in spec in relation to the derailleur Shimano would tell you not to do it. 

every gun is loaded. i don’t care that you just checked.

Hope of hopes is that Clarence Thomas also caught a case from that event...but you know Republicans don’t let two black men in the same room at the same time.

I’d say an exhaust leak but maybe battery offgassing ?

His Passat is still doing fine, while the Touareg is still doing FIRE.

Dessert has an even bigger effect on range. You might think snow is bad, but that’s just because you’ve never tried driving through sticky toffee pudding. The fudgy centre causes terrible range losses - it’s like trying to drive on quicksand. Even a simple flummery puts up a lot more resistance than you would expect,

No, that’s how I had to walk to school as a child. AND I LIKED IT.

bUt I cOmMuTe 400 MiLeS tHrOuGh ThE dEsSeRt EvErY dAy!!!!1!!!

Wow that’s a lot of determination on your part! I would have been less motivated and just have waited for the firestones to explode and sift through the wreckage.

“there’s a bathroom on the right”

Indeed.  He must live long enough or the world to call him a loser, but not long enough to go on the talk show circuit and bloviate about how the election was rigged against him.

You have changed my mind. Yes..lose then die. So you can see the ultimate failure of your life. 

Agreed, it’s got “fuck it, I’m done” written all over it.

your story seems to completely validate the premise of the article that the police are bad at deciding who and when to stop?