
Oh man I forgot about the whole Naval Academy thing until you reminded me. They actually said he graduated from Annapolis at age 19, which is flat-out impossible. 17 is the minimum age for admission, and it takes 4 years. You can’t test out or graduate early. There’s literally no way to graduate from the Naval Academy

Yeah, I mean, I’m more nitpicking the idea of his plan rather than that the movie didn’t delve into it—and it’s not even practical to want an MCU movie to delve into that kind of thing in detail, large-scale geopolitical ramifications not really being their bread and butter.

One of the other things that makes Killmonger such a compelling vision is that he has a tragic present as well as a tragic backstory. As T’Challa points out during their climactic fight, Killmonger wants to turn the colonizers’ weapons against them, but in taking control of Wakanda, he’s using the same destabilizing

Can you please bold this section for emphasis:

Punk commits the high sin of being cocky and excellent while black, but other than that nothing he does is that out of place in the FGC. I think newcomers who are used to online-only games which manage and censor social interaction in the name of “preventing toxicity” are often surprised by the shit-talking culture of

Just shit talk. It’s how it is.

I started out thinking you were shaming AVC for switching comment systems and now I am agreeing with you SO HARD. I know it probably seems a little arrogant as a writer, but I always rankled a little when it was clear people would race down to the comment section without reading a single word of whatever they were

In your opinion.

I think the only listings out of the group that’d come close to being redundant would be having both Championship Edition and Hyper Fighting. But everything else, is wildly different and are their own titles. Alpha 1 is an entirely different game from Alpha 2 which is an entirely different game from Alpha 3. New

I think the main reason fighting games died out for a while is because arcades died out and arcades were integral to the fighting game community for a very long time, and it wasn’t until online multiplayer became standard that fighting games regained their social hold.

In February 2015, Kotaku composer Jason Schreier wrote 12 Successful Kickstarters That Never Delivered. Two and a half years later—and stop me if you’ve heard this one before—that story’s update is nowhere to be found.

Austin Rivers is the Clippy of basketball players. He’s clearly trying to help, but even at his best, he’s annoying as all fuck.

His form was burfict.

Honestly, only a fucking DC team could spend an offseason talking shit about failing to advance further in the postseason.

They’re campy and over the top and ridiculous. Even The Dark Knight returns is that way. I don’t mean that they’re stupid or not worthwhile, I mean that they are a ludicrous (as in the “laughable” and “nonsensical” part of that word’s definition) concept. Given that I’ve worked as one of the A.V. Club’s comic book

You’re only supposed to button the top button of a two button jacket and the top two buttons of a three button jacket. Sartorial rules still stand.

Tea-bagging is the act of being a sore winner. It doesn’t particularly bother me, but it’s an act of bragging. Asking “why would you brag about that” is a moot point to a sore winner. Its purpose is to antagonize, not to advertise a challenge well completed. The tea-bagger doesn’t know in advance that you won’t be

Choke the Raven nevermore.

From the Reading Comprehension Tees