
tldr because it wouldn’t produce the amount of money over a long period of time like shark cards would

I mentioned it in the previous Crew story, but the Crew does absolutely no marketing. None, especially to the thousands of college students and young professionals living within a mile of the stadium.

Plus, the US soccer season is mostly in the summertime.

The fact that there’s basically no marketing for the team is no coincidence, man.

Knock it off with the scarves, MLS. Liking soccer doesn’t make you European. You look like idiots.

“Wanna see Daddy get a life threatening concussion?
Wanna see him do it again?” - Shane

At least title it “Return of the Mack.”

It like she was raised in the forest by wolves.

I think the bigger problem is that the adventure seems to be set up so that the characters are mainlanders (ie. whites from fantasy Europe) only in Chult to kill monsters and plunder treasure. You’re essentially reenacting colonialism. There’s very little in the way of content for people who want to play local heroes

The C-Bus is pretty nice, too, and also free, to boot.

But...but...light rail, hyper loops and all that other dumb shit that Columbus touts but never does. We are a wonderful fat midwestern city that prides itself on driving everywhere.

Columbus resident here. I say let them leave. Fuck publicly financing a downtown stadium. There aren’t that many people who live in downtown Columbus, and our city’s public transit system is shit, so most people are still gonna have to drive to games anyway. The city is already starting to deal with blowback from

I saw three answers that were something along the lines of, “He was asked a question”. I know that he is a narcissist to the tenth degree, but my first thought to those posts was exactly that. “I don’t feel like answering that question at this time”. He can even do a Quentin and say “Hey I need more time”.

Astounding that Woody Allen is so un-self-aware that he thinks we need him to weigh in on this.

Fuck Gulati.

That still sounds pretty terrible.

upstream color deserves its place on any list of scifi. it’s honestly not that confusing of a film, nor is it intended to be —it just requires attentive viewing.

I would add:

Maaaan, I wish more people were willing to jump on the Rev2 train. It’s such a fun game.