
Seems like a lunatic. The sex rage thing is kinda alarming.

I think what the game was trying to do, and what North was alluding to in his interviews, was a question of whether David has always been a monster or like many others in the story, driven to becoming a monster because of his circumstances?

Yeah, the cast is a super prestigious bunch. One thing to note is Keanu himself seems to be hyper aware of showing respect to those he works with. It was his decision to change the fight in Chapter 3 against zero’s lieutenants. Didn’t think it was right to have Wick murder such dope opponents

It started with Chapter 3 but the trailer for Chapter 4 seems to be leaning heavily on anime and various Asian cinema aesthetics. My hope is that these are well done homages/implementations and not tired tropes, fetishization, and/or Orientalism. Like is Rina Sawayama gonna get to speak? She came off like the mute

I winder if missions will be perma-fail. I remember not being able to retry missions in armored core 3

Early Access was extremely beneficial to Hades’ development though. Some of the best parts of the game were because of feedback Supergiant got directly from Early Access. This isn’t Star Citizen or Ark: Evolved. They don’t release buggy half-baked games. Might be the one company that deserves the benefit of the doubt

If a company tells you “you cannot run the tournament without a license, but also we aren’t going to give you a license,” how exactly would you interpret those two statements? Nintendo didn’t outright C&D them sure, but they left the threat of one on the table. It was a calculated move to shutdown the tournament

The restricted list was a bad idea to begin with but they promised never to reprint them so here we are. But I’ve always felt MTG should prioritize affordability over anything else. Particularly as the power creep of eternal formats continues to rise.

Idk why i said movement. I meant discard. You want to see apocalypse early so you can discard him a couple times. She can help with that even if you don’t play her

Getting rid of Miss America actually isn’t the best idea when you are climbing the ladder. She’s more than a 9-power six drop. She essentially thins the deck from 12 to 11. If you have cards you need to see before 6 she helps with that. And sometimes you just need to finish out the game with a well powered hero. If

This statement reads like they are afraid of receiving backlash from whomever they think is their core audience. That’s disappointing because it vindicates and enables a very loud majority to continue to distort the voices of consumers. The majority of ppl who play video games do not hate seeing diverse casts. Most

Leto also seems to be the go-to example of an actor not actually “getting it,” when it comes to Method. It seems like he uses it or roles where it doesn’t always make sense.

But that’s not really the end goal. Tue example you gave is still service of the artists, and in your example they still have some agency on how and when it is used. But capitalism’s end goal is in service of maximizing wealth. There is a large swath of commercial art that would essentially be unavailable as an avenue

I legit don’t know why people engage the argument without making this the first point which is the only reason AI generated art is being pushed so hard. It’s meant to replace human labor in one way or another

Take it from someone who did this recently: invest in a decent custom keyboard kit. Especially a set of keycaps with a profile that is more comfortable for your specific hand size, and typing/gaming positioning. Makes a world of difference

“Guy in a suit,” is much closer to the actual Gundam feel though. The entire series is built around the concept of “nu-types,” which were basically pilots with psychic powers that allowed them to pilot a gundam like it was their own body. Also usually the battles were in space so No gravity.

Lmao you don’t even know what you’re playing if you think the “vanilla,” version doesn’t already have a heavy dose of anime in its DNA. You think those motorcycles and katana came from…western influences?

It’s…fine for me. I think if you really enjoyed the later seasons of GoT it’s great if not better. For me though, it comes off as a standard fantastical drama centered sround a singular monarchy. The Targaryen’s biggest strength for me was their mystique. All the stories and conflicting histories was great as a

I think the alcoholism is a good base if they wanna go further with the character though. She has the ingredients to become really cool if they ever do more with her.

Could easily turn it into a setup for Mephisto or some other demons.