
I actually do think there is a viable setup for Madisynn to become a bigger character. Like imagine she has a heartfelt moment with Wong where she expresses interest in getting sober. Wong could suggest she study the mystic arts since she seems to have the mental fortitude to handle extreme situations and it gives her

The wigs are kind of distracting. Idk if it was the Dothraki styling that made Danaerys’ hair  look better on Emilia Clarke then this but the way every Targaryen wears their hair pulled back out of their face makes like wig look funny. They look like Pai Mei from Fist of the White Lotus.

It is confusing because morally they did seem to setup a choice between the Queen or his (potential) new heir. But the wording of the scene suggests the fatal c-section was the only way to get the baby out of her and have one of them live. They never mention that they could abort the procedure and save the Queen even

That last point is where I am I think. Something was missing for me and it’s the fact seeing how the rest of the world was effected in the aftermath of the Targaryen dynasty is just more interesting then seeing infighting among a single house.  I’m sure we will get to see more characters from other houses soon, but I

Do we? I’ve never seen a blue lives matter flag censored ever. I’ve seen Nazi flag mods and custom icons removed from games but that is because they violate a ToS agreement. So I fail to see how that gives them a platform to fight back. Their platform for fighting back is made of false equivalencies, gaslighting, and

Yup. If they really wanted to argue it’s not constructive then whatever. Weird stance to take when we are talking about literal hate groups and ideology though. The goal is to be as hostile and uncomfortable to them as possible. There is no going high when someone doesn’t want another person to exist for being their

The issue with saying “censoring the nazi flag and blue lives matter flag is just as bad,” is that THOSW THINGS HAPPENED FIRST. They’re symbols that announce a group’s prejudice. bigots like to twist the narrative that they were just minding their business until the mean leftists started bullying them. Having zero

This is horrendous advice based on the fact the question is based on the context of playing the games with Game Pass. No one is gonna go looking for the PlayStation 2 originals. They’re also dated in a way the remakes mitigate. Assume a pure experience is impossible for most people if you’re gonna give advice. Other

Large majority of that player base is on the Xbox and/or Game Pass tho. Microsoft is adding micro-transactions simply because they can. No self-awareness. Just vibes.

Speaking to the overall point made in the oped. 

That’s a cop-out though. When you talk about dealing with the world, “as it is,” you are talking about a very specific set of perspectives and biases. It’s not reflective or inclusive for most people. It’s not really asking all that much to design AI and tech in a way that combat the bias and blindspots of the world.

It’s a feedback loop though which is kind of what the article is hinting at. Society influences various tech and AI development which in turn creates challenges for real women in the tech and gaming spaces, and the cycle continues.

My favorite part of the year when capitalism tries to end racism with more capitalism.

This kind of reminds me of a similar manga by the name of Shigurui. That creator passed away and they eventually finished it. It was great too.

I think he’s probably reached the “overcome the satsui no hado,” phase of his training. Only way I could see his wife and kids leaving is that maybe he’s become more violent (wink wink). I can envision a scenario where he might have went too far and really hurt or possibly killed someone. Maybe Gouken banishes him as

Ok but if Sora has regular feet it could mean the other characters do too. And they’r purposefully wearing clown shoes. Which means Donald is wearing clown sized Mary J Blige boots. OR is actually a man in a donald duck mascot suit and not actually naked from the waist down. Everything has been shattered. 

Picking a different inspiration, was probably the correct choice, in that situation. That’s what the article is trying to point out. Consultants can only do so much for you, in a situation like this. Especially if they aren’t going to be a part of the cast. There just aren’t a lot of ways to ensure CR doesn’t

Thrones budget was mostly from an insistence on shooting on-location. I’d argue the cheapness is more in the lack of detail in certain shots. Like they are fighting on sandy, dry terrain, but you don’t really see dust getting on the characters/armor. Could be early footage tho.

Lmao i said this in less words

The Scarcity is is a red herring. It’s not really important, that scarcity exist. All that matters is that a continuous supply of unsuspecting fools, buy in to the idea of the NFT, so that crypto currency, continues to flourish.