
I just got through this today! Invaluable video, right now. 

Most of the Strive redesigns actually have better proportions compared to the previous game. It’s exaggerated but the characters visually look more anatomically sound. Even Faust, Potemkin, and Goldlewis have proportions that match their size and weight. It makes the animation look better.

Tbf the suit alleges that it happened back in 2005. So maybe he was still inexperienced at the time, when it comes to business.

I feel like this game sold well almost entirely on the backs of the streaming community.there were a lot of reaction compilations to the games bigger moments, and i remember it having a high viewer number on twitch when it dropped.

Her not necessarily projecting as black, wouldn’t be a concern if she herself wasn’t designed to look as racially ambiguous as one can be, while still being black. Feels like they didn’t commit hard enough to warrant any real praise for their efforts. Which is fine

I think some viewers forget the kinds of people thar these characters represent. You can’t really expect normal consequences for their actions. That’s just now how it works for people who are this wealthy and powerful. The company only really matters in how Logan chooses, or not chooses to let his kids be a part of

Yeah I think Silicon Valley very sinply got significantly less funny. The plot was moving, though.

It was, but ambushing Shiv in to doing a toast, especially after their one-on-one meeting was pretty shitty.

Nah everyone who said this show was going the way of Silicon Valley, all over again, owe’s this season an apology, lmao. Fantastic season finale. Felt like the red wedding all over again.

Sorkin himself is pretentious, and is more worried about how HE comes off in the profile. Doesn’t like that, in his mind, the piece makes it look like he doesn’t like working with Strong. He could just call Strong directly and clarify that. The public does not care about how Aaron Sorkin looks. 

Probably because more people have seen Succession than The Judge, haha. Idk if ppl would know him, unless they were heavy into watching movies

Nearly everything in the article comes from on-the-record quotes from named co-workers, or are direct quotes from Strong, himself. Also it’s hard to say the writer cherry-picked the worst ones, when there are clips of Strong interviews that are pretty much exactly the same as how he comes off, in the profile. That’s


Ah, I see you love using words that sound cool even if you use them incorrectly. How fun.

It does. Bebop had a huge budget, especially with the carious delays, involved. They needed it to be a huge hit and it wasn’t big enough to justify another budget on that level, so they cancelled it. This also happened with The Get Down

You can enjoy whatever you want. People who have seen the original are equally allowed to recognize an inferior version of an existing show. Particularly when the adaption erased all the political , and cultural subtext from the original.

Yeah, I can imagine it is fulfilling to get lost in the work. I think we all can somewhat relate to that. But the comment that bothers me, is the one where he talked about accord not being a virtue in creative work. Television is an inherently collaborative medium. It’s not just his performance that makes Kendall

It’s always felt to me like actors who use the method process, are somehow trying to make the acting feel like, “real work.” For some reason it always came iff like they’re ashamed of their job in comparison to the rest of the world, so this is a way to kind of do real labor. Brian Cox more-or-less makes that point in

Wonder if the fact that they’re still forcing frostbite on every EA affiliated studio, factors in to the terrible game launches, or if it is simply a continued pattern of project mis-management.

They haven’t failed yet, but my point is that they haven’t won. We aren’t in Entourage/Silicon Valley territory yet. This show is a much slower burn. My reading is that this past episode is the spark that get’s the ball rolling. SOMEONE is going to win. That’s the nature of the world they live in, but that requires