
= White Identity Politics (who abhor “Identity Politics.” of course.)

The Senate was right when it rejected Jeff (The Last Segregationist) Sessions for federal judge.

WWII to 2016: FBI good, Russia bad.

Smocks don’t kill people ... people do.

Jared too.

Good one!

In one clue, Mueller was spotted in a Smocking Jacket as he plans to get Trump in a straight- jacket

Trump will claim that the payooffs were to protect Melania — and purely coincidently that the payoffs happened years after the fact as Election Day was imminent — about when Trump stared to think he might win the election. Can’t let a problem fester if Trump can bribe the folks involved.

No Collision! That is Trump’s planned goalpost movement when Mueller assembles the whole story of this corrupt presidency.

Weather service: severe tornadoes and a giant hurricane are forecast. But for the first time,  we know exactly they will hit: 1600 Penn Ave.

Russian spy Marina Butina has flipped — probably to save her amateur Bond Girl butt by burning the NRA, Dark Money GOP sugar daddy’s and maybe the Trump Crime Family.

My theory (no proof yet from the secretive Saudis) is that the Crown Prince demanded — and got — Trump’s acquiescence to the murder.

Which Witch? Not an ounce of ethics nor even self-respect among them. They are all like Mafia henchmen: doing anything to please the Don so they don’t get the Kiss of Death.

Speaking of brownish things, Trump endorsed — by refusing to clearly denounce — stormtrooper brownshirts in Charlottesville.

He made the mistake of *declaring* Dr Ford a liar in sexist terms — apparently unaware that the Fox MO is to *insinuate* that strongly and let the dumb-ass audience consider itself brilliantly insightful by drawing that conclusion.

These women are “mixed up” — why didn’t they come forward earlier— so we could call them “mixed up” then?