
“I’m only 37, for fuck’s sake. I can’t live like this.”

I promise you that electric blue is mostly MAC’s Deep Truth. I’m sure there are other things thrown in there but I recognize Deep Truth the way a mother fur seal recognizes the call of her lost pup from an entire island away. I’d be willing to be there’s some Plumage worked around the outer corner, but Deep Truth.

Her actions are horrible and deserve to be criticized fully. Treating them as “lol ridiculous little girl” actions is minimizing them and not criticizing them as fully as they should be. Her action/statement is no less serious because she’s a 19 year old woman. Let’s treat them as seriously as we would if it were a

Hey, maybe it was his cheat day.

Maybe don’t call a place populated mostly by poor minorities and which has been reeling from the decimation of the manufacturing business and white flight ‘the butthole of America’. I take it that you drove through in your Landrover and decided the view wasn’t to your liking and you hustled home to Greenwich, CT.

Oh my god, thank you. Can we please give Leo an Oscar so he can relax? So we all can relax? Guy is always straining so hard- every scene is like neck veins and burst capillaries.

A few years back, when I was dangling on the edge of a major depressive episode, my sister was like, “I’M GOING TO COME OVER WITH TWO BOTTLES OF WINE AND A DVD OF MELANCHOLIA AND WE WILL DRINK AND WATCH IT AND IT WILL BE BEAUTIFUL AND CATHARTIC AND YOU WILL FEEL BETTER.” Never, ever, has anyone ever been more wrong

For acting, sure. To be more specific, she wants that ‘I’m a legitimate director of Oscar-winning films’ Oscar.

Thats because all she makes are try-hard Oscar bait films. You can smell the desperation to grab that Oscar on her.

‘and sharp cheekbones that protrude like tiny cherries, even when she’s not smiling,’

What next?! That I’m supposed to cut my pockets open when a piece of thread is holding them closed?

I love real cheese as well and I agree that there’s something about Kraft cheese food that warms the heart on ocassion. When I eat Kraft, I don’t want cheese, I want orange goo that melts like a weird, non-food substance. It’s a comfort food thing. Gross on every day but the day you want it.

Is it an unpopular opinion to suggest that actual cheese lovers have nothing to worry about?

I have a super secret life-hack for when I eat at McDonalds. I get extra ketchup and mustard, and then... I put them on my burger. It’s amazing and everyone should try it.

I have dreams of sidelining in inventive architecture, trying to avoid my real day job. One of my brilliant ideas is creating public bathrooms like wetrooms, where a giant Mr. Clean/Scrubbing Bubbles sprayer comes down out of the ceiling every once in a while, sprays literally everything, and then power washes it down

When I hear “Japanese toilets” I think of those super high-tech things that are like western toilets with a billion more buttons. Is that the case?

When I got back from China I told my friend who picked me up to immediately take me to the mall to buy new shoes. China shoes went directly into the mall trash can.