Star Wars meets Batman meets Mad Max?
Star Wars meets Batman meets Mad Max?
Damn. Looks like a Transformer got a hold of it and ripped its ass off.
I wonder how long it will take before the inevitable article pops up where someone using Tesla’s autopilot crashed while playing Pokémon Go.
Incorrect. It works fine with the egift card, but it has to be delivered today. You just can’t order the egift card and have it be emailed after today.
Incorrect. It works fine with the egift card, but it has to be delivered today. You just can’t order the egift card…
Glad to be following along on your YT channel, Freddy. The Germans sure do know what they’re doing.
It’s linked in the article, but here it is
I say we need a new weekly section where we’re given an engine and argue in the comments which car would rock it best.
The trip to the highest pub in Africa because that scenery was gorgeous. I always enjoy Top Gear the most whenever they travel to different locations.
It looks better in these drawings than it does in EVO’s video, with the exception being the front. It looks weird both ways.
I’ve only seen one of these driving around town and it sure sounded good. I heard the GS F long before I saw it, and when it pulled up next to me at the light, I had to do a double take. It looked good, but it sounded even better. The exterior carbon fiber bits were a nice touch.
The show is getting a lot of hate and a lot of that hate is targeted towards Evans. It won’t totally fix TG, but getting rid of that wanker will certainly be a welcomed improvement.
Oh man, the memories! So much time wasted during elementary. With Crusin’ USA, there was something so satisfying about seeing bugs splatter on the windshield.
I hated it at first, especially Evans, but kept watching since it’s Top Gear and I love cars. It’s not the same as before, but that doesn’t matter. Clarkson, Hammond, and May are going to have their own show so it’s not like all is lost. Embrace the fact that we now have more car shows to watch. I still am not a fan…