
Women of the GOP are insanely disconnected with the current reality of their party. They don’t care if the men are misogynists because they believe the men won’t be misogynistic towards them. Kind of the way way racists always tell one black person that “they’re one of the good ones

It will “put the issue to rest” in WI in exactly the same way that the Ohio GOP immediately recognized that the people had spoken and moved on to other things like governing for the BENEFIT of the people.

Or heavily armed folks suffering from mental illness.

And if it’s the case that they’re obligated to check out accusations.....what’s stopping anyone from complaint-bombing the police with accusations toward the reich-wingers in that town?  Tell ‘em you think they’ve got pornographic material that they’re showing kids, all sorts of stuff, but you don’t want to leave your

Police say that they were obligated to open the probe into the school upon receiving a complaint about Gender Queer

“...Anna Holmes and Jennifer Gerson and Jessica Coen and Rich Juzwiak and Jia Tolentino and Julianne Escobedo Shepherd and Joanna Rothkopf and Clover Hope and Laura Bassett and Susan Rinkunas.”

“Learn to Code” - A phrase almost exclusively uttered by people who either: 1) can barely navigate an iPhone settings menu or 2) can technically code, but only ever submit garbage that has to be cleaned up or discarded by people who are actually good at coding.

Take the coding classes anyway. Use it as an opportunity to network and start talking to women in tech. We need more people to talk about the STEM career drop off for women.

Very excited. As an older person that has loved this site, it has taught me things that were unfortunately normal for my Gen X self, shouldn’t be normal. So, I get where you are coming from with “What do I read now”.

I love how dumbfucks like you can rejoice in its shutdown, yet still take the time to post here.  Grow up.

RIP Jez, sorry to hear the news. Hope everyone who works here can land safely at a different gig.

Came here after hearing about the shut down. Thanks for being one of my favorite sites for almost 10 years. Y’all deserved so much better

The same guys who quietly pay off the debts for members of the Supreme Court?

I’ll never get over the painting contractor, profiled on 60 Minutes, who he stiffed out of something like 10k, a significant amount to this guy, who STILL VOTED FOR HIM! 

I am not necessarily disagreeing with that you are saying. But this really does boil down to two choices and one is many, many magnitudes worse than the other. As far as what is happening in Israel, Netanyahu isn’t listening to anyone. The US tried to get them to agree to a temporary cease-fire and instead they bombed

Whats happening in Gaza is truly horrific. And that is precisely when Israel started their offensive moves that Biden specifically said not to make the same mistakes that we in the US made in the aftermath of 9/11. Its also the reason Blinken has been there for weeks trying to get Israel to tamp it down. You want to

The reason he doesn’t care (although he’ll appeal for sure) is because he’s not playing the legal game, he’s playing the political game and betting that once he wins the presidency again, he can make all of his problems go away. This is the reason why he’s whining about how this is a witch hunt right in the courtroom,

Anyone with an inkling of New York society or real estate knew the guy was an utter clownshoe. Hell, every contractor in the city and the surrounding state wouldn’t touch a property of his (and his shell companies) with a 10 foot cattle prod because he NEVER paid. There are lawyer firms that won’t even let him through

And what will that prove? You realize that if enough of you vote 3rd party then Trump wins.... right? Yeah. That guy. The guy who says he wants to bomb Mexico. The guy has made it clear he will remove anyone who opposes his ideas and install lawyers that won’t get in the way of his plans to turn the US into a