
Yeah, I don’t think it’s an issue either. Recast the character. Move on. Done. Nobody batted an eye when Terrence Howard disappeared and Don Cheadle took his place after the first Iron Man movie. Marvel could upgrade to Aldis Hodge or Yahya Abdul-Mateen and no one would raise an objection. 

He has a mortgage, loans...makes $200K/yr. Where does ha deposit his paycheck, CashApp?

Maybe we could find out if Garland and the DOJ would do their sworn duty and arrest the insurrectionists, traitors and plain old thieves that run the criminal conspiracy that is the Republican Party.

Their gripe is and has always been that we’re moving from movies starring white guys named Chris to a more diverse landscape. They don’t want to face the reality of Black Panther: Wakanda Forever, which had the titular character die offscreen in the first 5 minutes and so was lead by Black women and a Latino man made

Seriously!!! If Black Widow had come out at any other time it would have crushed. Not to mention Disney crippling it with a day-and-date streaming release.

Could well be possible - my thinking was similar, in more that even if Bibi didn’t see this coming he had deliberately worked to worsen conditions to the point where an attempt like October 7 could well be made. I don’t know if he also anticipated how severe the casualties would work out but given what I have read

No one is getting a mortgage for any amount without thousands of dollars in the bank, so this is obviously a case of him hiding his money to evade taxes. 

He’s not broke - he’s hiding something.

My memory is long enough to remember the pieces talking about the extensive reshoots on Titanic and how that “troubled” production was going to be a massive bomb.

This. I am much more confident that Johnson is blatantly not disclosing his holdings for reasons that make sense only to him, rather than that he has no money.

Ant-Man 1&2 and Iron Man 1 were the perfect scale they should have gone for after Endgame. Smaller, focused and non-existential threats to focus more on character pieces. 

Makes the fact that his first big act is to push for defunding the IRS that much more understandable.

Bibi’s “help Hamas to help Israel” strategy is well known. There’s no conspiracy or leaps in logic here. It’s been openly discussed in Israeli and Arab circles for years.

My sister and I were talking about the bombing of the refugee camp and I told her I thought Netanyahu knew the Hamas attack was coming at some point and did nothing so he’d have an excuse for the annihilation of Gaza, and she said she’d had the same thought.

This would be the biggest dumbest thing they could do which is why I don’t believe a word of it. Feige is not this dumb. Only whiny fanboys are this dumb. You know the kind that have forgotten that the MCU has always been filled with duds both critically and financially and deliberately overlook the overall average of

It doesn’t help that the rethugs keep filing delay tactics on those district drawings. Even after the Ohio Supreme Court (GOP majority) has said, yeah, these maps are a bit suspect.

Sorry, I’d tack a notice to the door showing that the Catholic Church declared “Bankruptcy” to avoid paying the kids that were raped by the Priests (Cincy, Columbus, and Cleveland). Yet are suddenly able to afford millions for a “Vote No” campaign.

Stop watching reality TV. It’s all exploitative garbage.

It really baffles me that a movie series supposedly about a magical zoologist writing a book about fantastic creatures turned that character into some kind of international secret agent who acts as a proxy fighter between wizard-Hitler and his ex-lover, because they can’t fighter each other directly because of a blood

Oh hey, Miss Minutes finally did that thing you spoiled back when you reviewed the first episode because you couldn’t be bothered to remember when anything actually happened in the show you were reviewing.