QEII was not Queen Victoria. She did not preside over the “British Empire” that Anya decries, but rather over the decolonization that followed it’s decline into the modern commonwealth.
QEII was not Queen Victoria. She did not preside over the “British Empire” that Anya decries, but rather over the decolonization that followed it’s decline into the modern commonwealth.
Meghan’s kids were in Los Angeles, so she would have to fly home to be with them. Also, it was Harry & Meghan’s mouthpiece who released the information that both of them were traveling to Balmoral, which turned out to be an error. At least *try* to get some facts straight?
The Queen’s political power was near nil. Her role is not to steer policy, or shape policy, and attempts to do so against the wishes of the Parliament, the elected officials who run the government and military of Britain, would be wrong.
Do all you idiots who are still making fun of illiteracy think you are being original? Also why would you want others to think you believe such nonsense?
“court order, law or legal process.” That does not mean court order. That means court order, legal process, OR law. So if some anti-abortion law is passed in your State, they will use the law’s mere existence to volunteer your information to law enforcement. Handmaid’s tale is right.
I wonder what the rightwing response would be if George Soros invested in an app that tracked individual gun ownership?
If Leo’s friend group (not significant others but just people he is platonic friends with, regardless of gender) was 25-year-olds would he be similarly criticized?
You’re in people’s business right now.
I might be my northern roots that I feel great on grey rainy dark days 😁 summer my productivity and motivation loses all steam.
I just saw fall/Halloween baked goods at Target. I don't want to eat stuff with brown, orange and yellow frosting any earlier than October 1.
I suspect they did anyway or at least one of them would have spoken out by now.
A basic Google search puts Kylie’s age at around 25. Keep grasping at straws, dweeb.
Just because it’s legal does not mean he’s not a sad, pathetic sleezebag. Also, that’s never been cool.
“Evolutionary psychology is astrology for straight men”
Like, if an older guy dated A (one, singular) younger woman, it worked out, and they were together for a long time, I’d be like “Huh, ok, maybe that was just a good match.” When an older guy just trades them in like he’s leasing and seems to have a max age that’s half of his own... Hard side-eye.
Cruise may be permanently off market thanks to Scientology. We know a LOT more about how truly abusive the organization is- when he was with Holmes, Scientology was known as a South Park punch line and for its amazingly expensive auditing system. If Shelly Miscavige isn't off limits to RPF, then Cruise's partner…
Like clockwork, here comes the evo psych incel. Evolutionary psychology is astrology for straight men. If astrology advocated for misogyny, racism and eugenics.
I find it hard to believe this is the first time you've come across this opinion. Lots of people think men using money and power to date significantly younger women is sad at best and predatory at worst.