
So if they actually stick to that age range — the next Bond could easily be a Potter veteran, since Matthew Lewis (Neville forever!) is 33. Hiddleston’s too old now, and we never did get any more of Night Manager.

How on earth do you manage to give credit to the US for this -- as a Canadian let me assure you that whether or not Canada stays in the Commonwealth has EFF ALL  to do with the USA/George Washington etc.  And nothing would be more apt to encourage us to stay than the idea that leaving makes us more like ...Americans. 

Yeah, and it’s not as if people like Elon Musk complaining about multi racial casting have a huge online audience is it? 

There’s a difference between “a few pieces of furniture” and only owing one comfortable chair.  The person you date wants to feel welcome in your home, wants to feel like there’s room for her there, let alone room enough to have a few friends or family over.  

A number of authorities- including the National Health Service in the UK, Planned Parenthood, the Cleveland Clinic, the Mayo Clinic, Cedars-Sinai and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists - all DISAGREE with you. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/faqs/ectopic-pregnancy

I’m not here as a Johnny stan - but Lily didn’t do anything her own mother didn’t do first, from dating a much older man to modelling for Chanel as a teen. Vanessa had her first hit song at 14, started dating a 26 year old at 15, left school and moved out at 16, broke up with the first boyfriend and then started

So much delusion here — let’s just pick one. The murder rate in Canada (homicides per 100 000 of population) is just over 1/3 of the murder rate in the US — we are right next door, consume the same media and video games, and allow relatively easy long gun ownership. The UK rate (where gun ownership is even more

Randall Terry is a man, who believes something which is false and uses that belief as a justification for violence

there’s always an Aunt Martha or a Serena Joy siding with the male dominance, because protecting whiteness is more important

Sanders couldn’t even beat Hilary (because the Dems didn’t give her the nomination 4 million more votes gave her the nomination) and you think he could have beaten Trump? With everything the GOP could have thrown at him, with all the dirty money and the Russian trolls etc. Delusional. He straight up lost to Hilary in

oh, I dunno about that - Rush was great, Extraction was super successful and they’ve already done a sequel, and he’s about to go into filming the Mad Max Furiosa prequel

Really, maybe you should try living in the United States instead of online, there’s lots of places where they work hard to separate the races in everything from access to voting to ability to get a mortgage

Mirena did nothing for her - she’s on a relatively high dose daily birthcontrol now that does help, but now they can’t find the mass that showed up previously on CAT and ultrasound.

Yup, my daughter’s been dealing with this for nearly 10 years - the only thing that really helped was Depo (but that came with a 40 pound weight gain). Different doctors have diagnosed her with fibroids, cysts, a possible ectopic pregnancy, or just nasty painful ovulation.  She has hard-core painkillers that leave her

hey, it’s not like I’m a fan of the decision, but it didn’t originate with the director thinking, hey I have no new ideas for this character let’s kill her for motivation. 

they killed off her character because she was pregnant and unavailable to film Once Upon a Time in Mexico

I’m mixing him up with Mads’ Kaecilius, you’re right

so they’ve recast Mordo?  because that doesn’t look anything like Mads Mikkelson

an easy way to dress up mashed potatoes is to use Boursin, or any other soft herb/garlic cheese, 1 pkg for every 2lbs of potatoes or so.  I live in an area with a local cheesemaker, so I can get mine artisan-made if I’m feeling very Barefoot Comtessa.

I gotta know -- a sizeable tub of WHAT costs 14.77?