I notice how you’ve made Anna’s husband the passive object in your response - he’s certainly got just as much agency as Michele, and he’s certainly a despicable person regardless of how we judge Michele’s behaviour
I notice how you’ve made Anna’s husband the passive object in your response - he’s certainly got just as much agency as Michele, and he’s certainly a despicable person regardless of how we judge Michele’s behaviour
Sanders got millions fewer votes than Clinton in the primaries, nobody forced Clinton on the membership
oh its very very different Nate. A narrow Clinton victory would have protected the Supreme Court from whatever right wing nutjob is coming to end abortion and same sex marriage. Obamacare is gone, millions are going to lose their healthcare. Republicans hold Congress and the White House and will have the Supreme…
No, that’s a reference to Rhodey’s injury from the end of Captain America Civil War
I would buy this perfume in a heartbeat
if that’s what you’re interested in, why are you posting comments on a fashion story on Jezebel?
he is currently filming Thor, the pic is from last week when his Aussie football team made it to the finals
except that he was actually shorter and less buff that the real-life hacker the role was based on, a 6 foot 5 blond who got into weightlifting in prison
oh god yes I remember and the thing was bigger and heavier than a full size microwave. our first VCR only played you couldnt record on it
that one is Crimson Peak, he also gets naked in The Deep Blue Sea and Only Lovers Left Alive
check out Hemsworth’s instagram for a joke posting with him and his stunt man (the @bobbydazzler above) doing a springboard flip
in Spanish, you put the accent on the stressed syllable, as in Almodovar if I could do accents on my iPad. Beyonce is like a fake French name, where the accent indicates that the “e” is pronounced “ay” rather than Bay-onse to rhyme with response.
she’s already dating Elon Musk she’s fine. I’ve been Team Vanessa since Johnny left her for Amber, I’m still Team Vanessa
that touch was improv by Hayley, but at least they had the wit to keep it in the film
ah, you follow Tumblr I see
that 35 year old has been very private and undemonstrative about his previous relationships-Jane Arthy, Susannah Fielding. He’s had more PDA with Tay than all of his previous girlfriends put together
visit Tumblr, teen age girls LOVE Tom/Loki
until Hiddles turns up naked and motorboats Taylor in piublic, they are not as publicity hungry as Katlando
don’t forget getting her tits groped in public, so classy
Calvin’s previous girlfriend, whom he screwed over professionally after they broke up.