
Mmm, pear jam.

I agree that Armisen’s Obama is better than Pharoah’s. Die mad about it.


*Nietzchka Keene

Tom. Petty. Didn’t. Sue. Sam. Smith.

I’ve whiled away many an onanistic hour with my dad’s hardcover of Nicholson Baker’s Vox (1992).

“I’d like to point out that no one even remembers which song Swift won the award for.”

“Plugging in”?

Sophia Benoit is right.

Jesus, Kyle.

I miss internal quotation marks. So much.

I disagree.

I dropped out of UC Berkeley largely due to lacking those skills. I still lack them at thirty.

How does one jump through the hoops?

The review you credited to the late Roger Ebert is by Odie Henderson.

Shame is rated NC-17, not R.

Could it be that the studio is trying to surprise the uninitiated?

I don’t get it.

What the heck is a DVD game?

Actually, it’s Brian FELLOW.