Something tells me one of the important stats on the autopsy report will be “blood toxicity level”.
Something tells me one of the important stats on the autopsy report will be “blood toxicity level”.
You see where the left tire mark goes up on the curb and the right tire mark stays flat and even?
I don’t think I’ve witnessed “the worst”, but I’ve experienced something that made my hairs stand up. Flying out of DCA, I was behind a couple in the TSA line who had Iraqi passports. Being the logical, rational person I am I did not want to assume anything about these folks, despite the obvious tension ongoing…
Exactly. I think it’s ridiculous the airlines are basically charging people to stick something reasonably weighted in the belly of the same plane they are already flying on because A.) a lot of people are just going to bring it in a carry-on instead and B.) when everyone brings a big carry-on, it slows down the entire…
I think there’s needs to be an important distinction made between a plea deal and a conviction sentence. Does this low-life deserve more than 10 years? Most definitely! Was the prosecutor assured of getting a jury to convict this scum bag of all counts and being able to get him put away for a lot longer? Not guaranteed…
On the opposite end of the spectrum is what I experienced at a Subway in Ohio once where there was one lady working, not the graveyard shift, but the lunch rush! (Side note, the general manager of that Subway should be drug in the street and shot for allowing that to happen.) This white trash customer, knowing full…
Well, it is the deep south. As much as people like to make fun of Alabamans for having sex with their sisters, they are still more likely to help someone out like this rather than scream in a thick Brooklyn accent “Where’s the fucking service?!”
Wait, if it’s in Australia wouldn’t it be a Royale with cheese? Or whatever the Aussie equivalent of a fancy French name like that would be?
I don’t see paying 2 checks as an imposition*. And it would be the same amount for tips if you gave both servers the same amount. Better yet, if your initial server was just kinda meh, you could tip her your standard amount, but if the server that took over goes above and beyond, even knowing they’ll be tipped just on…
As an electrical engineer, I think about copper all the time. I always call for its use in the buildings I design. Don’t cheap out on me and try to build with aluminum wire, because I will find out and I will report to the owner you’re a sleazy contractor looking to cut every corner to make a buck. And the owner’s…
I’d say fuck this guy, but a couple counts of grand theft auto, fleeing and eluding, a couple counts of assault with a deadly weapon on a LEO, and attempted murder? Looks like he fucked his own life up pretty well.
Thief took it to Pay And Spray to get some of the heat off.
I know Matt and Trey had to have been planning this episode since the beginning of the season. There was no way they just let the whole impeachment inquiry sit by the wayside, so they built up the story by having Randy doing outlandish and illegal things until they could bring in Garrison and his cronies to claim…
As much as I hate “warming up the car” or remote start (because people will just leave the car idling for 10-15 minutes longer than it needs to be, wasting gas doing so), I’d much rather people do that than drive down the road with the windshield still so fogged/frosted over you don’t even notice a trailer in the…
Definitely the driver’s fault, but it always seems landscapers are the worst about ignoring even the most basic parking/stopping/obstructing traffic laws.
I don’t have videos of rednecks, but I do have a video of 2 crazy nerds with a TV show
What you ladies need to do is go out and buy some rusty shit-box with some ridiculous goal of driving it to some event a thousand miles away in about a month, keeping us updated on the (not surprising at all) issues you discover while tearing down. That’s what any sane car blogger would do.
I’m not much of a garlic fan. But, with the correct ratio of milk and butter and pepper, I’d argue they are pretty damn tasty.
I never knew this was a real thing. Can anyone else in the south tell me if they’ve ever seen this? Seems like it should be illegal in the land of homemade biscuits and cornbread.
My dad is a big drag racing fan. He’d always watch NHRA on TV, but I never really had the inclination to watch sports or news at that point (I was like 10). But, as luck would have it, a new NHRA sanctioned dragstrip opened an hour and a half from where we lived. So, as a family we all went to the inaugural Virginia…