
I understand wanting to see the mummy subplot as its own episode, but the reason it got shoe-horned into this one is because it’s the Halloween episode. So, it kinda makes sense.

You’ll say we’ve got a great selection

The last time I trick or treated, I was about 22. More on that in a second.

Yeah, and it’s not captained by this guy

Also, basing your review on how much they bribe you and not on the experience everyone else will get is the exact antithesis of a review and undermines your entire credibility.

From what I’m grazing in this story (BBQ joint, 100 year old cash register, owner with a full beard) they most likely had those LED bulbs that look like they were made in Edison’s lab. So, the burglar probably got it into their mind those bulbs are really expensive and he can get some quick cash for them.

Jason: “Why is the Volkswagen type 1 the best vehicle for eating at a drive-in?”

The cashier was definitely in the wrong. Let’s take a look from her side of things. If you had an emergency come up where you had to handle something right away would you:

A lot of businesses stick their employees in coach, where food service is rare except on trans-continental flights.

Uh yeah. Until the TSA agent says your chicken salad is a “liquid” and tosses your lunch out.

Man, when I was a kid, I would have killed to have someone put a full size Hershey bar in my bucket. It wasn’t my favorite candy, but I’ve always been a chocolate > fruit candy person, so I’d definitely take those Hershey bars over Twizzlers, Skittles, and Pixy Stix. But, that’s just my personal preference and not a

I don’t know what would the biggest crime would be. One of these things falling on someone, injuring or killing them, or whoever thought professionally produced videos made for a promotion should look like some amateur took it. I can understand if you want to record it with a Samsung phone, but use a tripod, and don’t

Every other sport in America has some sort of big fight once or twice in a season

It’s basically where they eliminate 17 drivers from championship contention and put the remaining 16 in position for any of them to win the championship, while still giving an edge to drivers who finished ahead and points and had more wins. So, it very loosely fits the term “playoffs”. But, they use the term more as a

I think it’s a case where a few people got together and realized they’ve all been told the ice cream machine was broken, and other people who have either never thought to order ice cream from or even step foot in a McDonald’s joined in and helped make it popular. But yeah, the city I grew up in didn’t have a Dairy Quee

I don’t watch the Skins anymore. I refuse to watch the accompanying ads that indirectly funnel funds to Snyder. I will always be a fan of the team, but that doesn’t mean I have to watch them lose every Sunday when I could be doing something more productive with my time, like taking a nap. At least until Snyder isn’t

Let’s assume average rebate is $4,500 (lots of 3.5K-4K rebates plus the extra 2 grand for low income).

Hey Drew, did you go to New Orleans? It’s not like you’ve written about it in a dozen articles.