
that wasn't the point dipshit. Since women were legally property of men once married, you bet they had to agree with what was done. But the point is, how exactly would they have stopped it? With their bare hands? Forceful slam poetry? Voting? Oh yeah, couldn't do that.What are you doing about black on white crime

cite stats please you f-g dirty liar. Not the 40,000 (actually 4000) kind. DOJ stats. Lets have it.

The lynchings are in the past. Attacks on whites are every f—g day, and far outnumber the lynchings. Just because it hasn't been framed and gilded by your media or your govt doesn't make it less real, and that's why you should give a shit.It is being swept under the rug in real time, not 1870. The US DOJ no longer

actually they made a point that white lynching victims weren't included because they felt it didn't make their point. Which was to make it a binary simple issue when of course it never is. No one can read around here though or they would have noticed hillary inflating the number 4000 victims by 10 times.

did you really write this from all white and asian seattle? What a poseur.

You're so worldly and tough in your all white suburb. Why don't you pay me a visit sometime and I'll send you next door for a cup of sugar. I'll post your remains to your mother for you when your dazzling liberal charms just aren't enough to let you slide on by. Please say you'll come! Oh please do!

that's weird, white people didn't kidnap anyone, the black slave market had them all chained up ready to sell. Learn some fucking history you racist generalizing piece of shit.

that's weird, white people didn't kidnap anyone, the black slave market had them all chained up ready to sell. Learn some fucking history you racist generalizing piece of shit.

why is there one of these wankers on every site - it is not about cheering f—g team colours. I'm not american and I don't care jack about taking your pathetic political sides.It isn't racist to preach non violence. Grow up, silly bitch.

Is this information big news in your world? Like slavery has just been discovered?Don't google what the Native Americans did to whites, either. Or the Native Americans who owned black slaves. Yes they did, some of them. Not many, but then only 1.6 of the white population did.Or that slavery was pushed through legally

you're too f—g lazy to look. You were too f—g lazy to read the linked headline accurately too. or to care if it was true. Here is an article from TIME magazine detailing hate crimes against whites.It was written by a black man, which in your world of super bias will count for more than otherwise.

I think asking for us to be beaten and killed less is not championing anyone. It's not a competition for tragedy. It should never have been black versus white and you are perpetuating it. Denigrating whites every day doesn't put you on the winning team, any more than denigrating blacks makes someone a good person.

wrong about what? Stats? Nope.

This world would be a much different place if the only people who became educated on the various genocides and acts of terror in Western history didn't have to come by that knowledge of their own volition.

are only black people killed by cops? Fuck off. Unarmed white kid killed last week, called in as suicidal, got 16 bullets for standing in a parking lot. Was it a national crisis? Should have been, but he wasn't black.Use numbers, facts and not assumptions and see how you go.

what is the relevance? Do you need help with that? It's the same bigotry, same races, same violence. Was that hard? As in africa, as in america.

no lib ever invokes the black friend. Yes you aren't poor, and no, you have don't the handle on race you think you do. Smell this special kind of informed ignorance from a rich white poseur a mile away.

Then there would have been a correction if it was a typo. NBD, except it is just race bait. So sorry you were exposed to my post. What a drama killer for you.

Where ARE you living? It's nowhere near the working class fray. You don't get this priceless fresh from the horses ass sanctimony from those quarters.

Is it as rational as fearing 36000 invented lynchings though?