
Since the comment wasn’t particularly funny or edgy, this is just an indication of how many deadspinners have fully accepted their training. It’s been years of daily bombardment of stories indicating what is wrong with America is the white male and his “privilidge”. Either these 300+ likes were done ironically or the

because this site is filled with brainless, white guilt ridden liberals

Man, remember what the Gawkeristas were bending over backwards trying to pretzel the opening weekend numbers into something that approximated a successful opening?

The MRAs and the like made up a small portion of the overall criticisms, but that didn’t stop sites like Jezebel from jumping on a dogpile against anyone that voiced them. This giant clusterfuck is entirely the doing of the media and Feig, and THAT is what made people give this movie the middle finger. Salon, Jezebel,

Thank Christ.

They are pandering. Remaking a movie with a female cast makes a statement. The statement is “we think enough gullible people will see the mere making of this movie as some sort of victory and that they will pay to go see it and even pretend to love it whether or not is sucks.” I'd remake them all if I were in

And that’s what happens when you take a steaming dump on the demographic and label them as hateful people despite whatever their complaints are. Feig is going to take it in the ass from Sony over this shit, not that he’d complain about it.

The next movie that numales and legbeards decide to butcher in the name of an agenda, most likely.

.....Obviously, Melissa McCarthy/Monique/Margot Martindale will fill the last slot, because GOD HELP the producers if they don’t put a Fat Chick in there.......

The delusion is pretty strong in this comment section. Maybe all you dumb fat cunts who wanted to talk shit on all the people that called that this movie would be a flop should eat some crow with humility. God knows you miserable lonely lying catwomen love eating everything else on a table.

I’m sure this reboot will be *gold*

Some other questions - where were all those milions and millions of feminists who wowed to make this a success by watching it over and over again and why couldn’t those 52% of female moviegoers guarantee a hit for ‘Ghostbusters - Estrogen Edition’? Maybe it’s bc a mediocre movie is just that, no matter how you package

There were people who were going to support it no matter what.

Leslie Jones needs to take a seat. Stop your shucking and jiving with your minsrel ebonics act. It’s infuriating and nauseating.

Wow, that’s a lot of female misogynists that did not get out and watch this thing.

New York limousine liberals will spend a lot of money to keep their kids away from the unwashed masses. Even those who claim to love public education.

Add a unionized police force is an inherently dangerous thing because incompetents are harder to remove and unionization makes them arrogant and distant from the people they are paid to serve.

I have yet to find a face more punchable than Sam Biddle’s.

So corporations voluntarily hurt their profits in order to promote patriarchy?

You make living sound like it sucks.