Nude pics?!
Nude pics?!
so you’re checking out the kids in the park for hours, but lie to your wife about it? NICE!
I’m not a Leslie Jones fan. I believe she perpetuates stereotypes and her whole shtick makes my skin crawl as a woman of color. That said, no one deserves this kind of treatment and everyone has the right to privacy.
I dont care. It can’t happen to me because I don’t take nude pics.
Atmosphere is a part of what you are describing - acoustics and’re not human if you deny that aesthetics are not a part of why you choose what you choose.
Not sure you said what you meant, but if you meant that you fight human nature to chase food, then you only say this because you have restaurants. Your outlook on chasing food would be a whole lot different if it was the only source.
I agree empathy is human nature. I’d say the quest to procreate is stronger though, which drives our attraction.
Most people will say “it’s about the food, dammit” but I think the way most people perceive taste so long as the quality differential isn’t massive is absolutely effected by the atmosphere, even if it is subconscious. And how you perceive the looks of those around absolutely impacts how you perceive the atmosphere,…
It is human nature that people want to interact/associate with attractive people. It is against human nature to force the opposite. It’s only social pressure that has us designing rules to fight our instincts.
“Since when did Jez become a feminist blog? I’m pretty sure the Jezebel folks have been pretty adamant about the fact that Jezebel is NOT a feminist blog.”
You mean, completely awful and a waste of space? Yeah.
I feel like with 7 billion or so people and climbing, just about any kind of food cultivation is doing serious damage. Not that that should absolve us of guilt, I just don’t think there’s a responsible way, ecologically speaking, to feed 7 billion humans on a planet this size.
I wonder if the rise in vegan diets and “superfood” advocacy has also contributed to increased demand for the crop.
This is absolutely an abject failure and anyone who says otherwise is drinking the kool aide. He pissed away over HALF the viewers of the show.
“Agree with me or perish.”
It’s a play on the term “No Man’s Land”.
I wouldn’t try to hard. To 90 percent of the planet this is common sense. This is the blog that celebrates the abuse of ones spouse if they are male :
The fact that you believe this tells me that you are easily fooled. Would happily negotiate with you.
You need to stop using “everyone is dirty” to excuse your awful political candidate that stole the primary election.
Bill Clinton raped many women who weren’t Hilary.