Max is absolutely spot on. Jesus Christ, Nico, you caught Lewis on an off year, enjoy your piece of history, revel in your absolutely 100% correct decision to quit at exactly the right moment and shut the fuck up.
Max is absolutely spot on. Jesus Christ, Nico, you caught Lewis on an off year, enjoy your piece of history, revel in your absolutely 100% correct decision to quit at exactly the right moment and shut the fuck up.
Actually Max has had a fantastic finishing rate over the last year and seems to have matured out of his Crashstappen meme status. The Spa incident was quite obviously a racing incident that both could have avoided
Once you win a World Championship (and I am sure you will), you are free to do whatever you want. Until then, I guess money is all that’s matter to you.
People will.
If you can’t tell when it’s time to change gear from the engine note and the way the car pulls, then you need to go back to an automatic. RPM gauges look nice, but they are strictly decoration. A driver feels their car, and feels when it needs to change gear.
I have lusted after one of these ever since I first read about it in Car magazine from the UK. After owning a Mazda 5 this thing just screams uteerly coolest object on the planet. It is super car level of design applied to a fricking minivan. Who builds a minivan with little interior space and a double hinged…
Thanks for converting the fuel use to l/km. Also, this car is unobtainable to us in the Netherlands due to emission standards and, above all, ridiculous taxes. If you buy this car in Germany, it will cost you about €12000. Over her it will cost three times as much!!!
My dad had one in Moscow in the early to mid-90s. I remember one particular episode that made me chuckle when a microwave was mentioned in this article. Back then, СВЧ-печи were rarer than a non-corrupt Duma member (hey-o!), but somehow my dad managed to get his hands on a batch (to resell, heaven forbid we’d be…
But will it turn right to go left?
...the automotive equivalent of a cockroach...