
Paula Deen's staff at this restaurant is majority black, in a place where getting jobs is a lot tougher than it seems. I guess you could draw some lazy narrative that she employs them to be slaves in costumes, when in fact her employees are making more than fair wages. But I guess she should she fire her black

reaching here with this one...

Oh so my mom and my aunt and my grandma were all slaves at one point? I never knew.

The only racism I see here is in the leap of logic required to make this ridiculous connection.

This is a real stretch. Are you guys okay over there? Not enough news this week? It's okay. We're here for you.

Is this how you fill your post quota?

what a fucking reeeeeeaaaaaaach.

I, personally, feel anyone who sees that ad and thinks about slavery is the racist, but I'm no blogger looking for clicks...so what do I know?

I was going to say "you couldn't be that stupid" but forgot you're a part of gawker. Keep placating to the hippies. Carry on

Slaves were the only people who ever rang a dinner bell?

Now playing

Recalls the playing of the U.S. anthem at Buckingham Palace after 9/11, which remains, to me, one of the most emotional scenes of all time

"Why are you saving such a big part of your salary when you see we are living with such little comfort? It's ridiculous and unnecessary. Instead of saving, you should be procuring your mother and yourself a classier lifestyle". Context: My mom is unemployed and I've been providing financial support for her since I

For me it would be all the people telling I can be/do whatever I set my mind to. It's a well intentioned cliche intended to boost self esteem, but when it was all said and done I spent most of my 20's spinning my tires trying to "follow my dreams".

I just threw that up there as a silly example. It's actually more useful than you think. I've floated the calculator app over a website while doing unit conversions. I've floated the browser over an email while typing a reply to someone about something that I had to look up the answer to. There are lots of useful

If the e-mail of the week story ends there, I can only assume that there isn't a coda where she dumped her boyfriend and had a rendezvous with Ryan later that weekend.

"...not a fan of sw" What do you want, an assembly shell?

...I wasted my money.

As a longtime bleeding heart liberal, this article is so unbelivably self-serving and disingenuous.

Cue the self-loathing brainwashed white hipsters that are all over this site like a virus in 3....2....

Cue the race-baiting, preemptive attacks on anybody who might critique the article's premise.

Jesus Fucking Christ. Leave it to Gawker media to find a racist lining in the Ebola outbreak. Kudos, you morally relativistic fuckfaces!