
I think this is a really neat concept and all, but I don't think they'll get a ton of buy in. If this goes as how I expect, nobody is going to be getting "points" for spotting enemies for their team. If that's the case, our "reward" driven mindsets in games aren't probably going to make for much different game play,


The best was the last one.

Need a Target Red Card.

Need a Target Red Card.

Wut? They're both wrong. The NCAA allows this in their bylaws. Alabama is operating within their system. They're both wrong, wrong, wrong.

Deadspin has an article or two or seven about this topic (or something very similar) every week... but Jay needs to "give it a rest?" wut?

What the fuck is wrong with Greg Howard? At this point, he has all but declared a race war in America. It's fucking obnoxious dude.

My favorite part of that is the half second of... "What the fuck is this? A puke bib?" moment he has.

Heh heh. Well played.


As a Bama alum... Keith's "May you go 0-32" proclamation may come true. Our WBB team is a notorious shit fest. Also... screw us for this shit. Why people see fit to punish 18-22 year olds for making decisions best for them is fucking beyond me.

I don't work at Costco, but I do work for a grocer. The sampling benefits the specific item, most definitely. We wouldn't invest the labor expense in it if we didn't think we would see a 100% increase at a minimum from regular, daily sales.

"To me, Midwestern people are white and boring and have awful taste in food. "

Holllllllly shit that was intense. How the fuck does a guy do that over and over and over and either (A) Not realize it, or worse (B) Not care?

Ho ho ho! Well played!

... and then he knocks her the fuck out. Bullshit we only saw that part. Reinstate him now!