
This guy definitely walks away from explosions without looking back.

This is why I’ve never dated a Khardashian

defense was a 201 course, sadly.

Assuming they are properly maintained (not left outside for weeks without cleaning the sand off), don’t get smacked around in transit, and don’t get shot at, they have a much longer life than 15 years. Or at least residential solar does, so I would expect military grade to be at least that or better.

My question is can I get military surplus solar shit at gun shows/surplus shops then in 15+ years?

I’m missing why people think the numbers are meaningless. Sure there are variances in the track environmentals but overall i think it is a fairly consistent metric. Honestly, no different than any other brochure number. HP/TQ are meaningless unless considered by weight and coefficient of drag among other factors. Were

Utah you say? How many wives will comfortably fit? 3 or 5? this is important.

The problem is the Red Sox are in Ft. Meyers, FL and not Jupiter, which has a much stronger gravitational pull. He was over-correcting.

And I imagine Michigan fans owe a great debt of gratitude to 49ers leadership for bungling that one.

49er fans miss him dearly.

I say this as an OSU alum and diehard fan, but I fucking love Jim Harbaugh. He’s great for college football - he’s a vibrant and eccentric weirdo that it is hard to not find endearing. He’s like a mix between a psychopath and a labradoodle. And you know what? I don’t think he’s ever leaving Michigan, at least for

Dude you anally raped a 13 year old and got away with not spending a day in jail for it. The world has given you far more than you deserved by allowing you to walk free, make plenty of movies and live in comfort during the time you were supposed to be spending in prison. Don’t be fucking greedy here.

Requirements? At an FCA dealer? I not even sure “Having the money” is all that important.

I’m sure it’s not the first time one participant has tried to mount another at Westminster.

Yes, they hired me to tell you that any scene with Keanu Reeves reading dialogue in this movie could easily be replaced by an old comic store cardboard cutout of Neo from The Matrix and nobody would notice.

One thing autism has been scientifically linked to is old dude sperm, but men take a strange sort of pride in their lifelong ability to knock up a slut, so we don’t talk about it much.

Easy now, Jezebel might hear you.

Alright, I’ll bite.

I wish my aptitude test in high school had recommended “Professional Athlete’s Former Business Manager.” Those dudes always make fat stacks.

...they divorced in 2014, shortly after his NFL career ended.