
Fine, but like ... what do people think HAPPENED here? People notice that Larsen looked different. They said “hey, what’s that about?” The Russos said “this is what that’s about,” and that will probably mostly be the end of it. Nobody got guillotined. Literally people said “Huh, this looks like it could be an example

Yeah. I saw someone get a lot of crap thrown at them for suggesting the same thing on Gizmodo’s article about this but, there are laws in place to protect children in every other branch of the entertainment industry, if we can’t do the same for online videos then - at the very least - videos that feature children

Yeah, I’m at the point now where I think YouTube should remove all videos with children in them. I’m sure the vast majority of them are fine, but between these horror stories we’re hearing of abusive content creators and pedophile viewers...

I’ve really been enjoying this so far. I was a huge fan of the series. I really like the new approach to the characters. I’m wondering if/how they’ll approach the Angel thing though. At a certain point you have to admit the 240 year old guy dating a 16 year old is kinda creepy.

“Surrender or die!”
“Can you take it down to like a 7?”
“...surrender...or else!”

About McKellen’s first point:
Problem is, if they’re guilty and working, they’re still fostering an insecure space for the other people who work with them. Probably keeping the abuse. If they retain their positions of power while the public decides if they want to consume their products or not... well, not much is

I mean, I get his point, and I have some regard for it, but abuse is abuse, and underage kids are underage kids.

No, but we can point out that you don’t have a sense of humor.

I’ve always thought that the reason musicals these days are bad (and you hit at this briefly) is because the musical is fundamentally an action film, and the directors that have drawn to the musical don’t know how to direct action, and the directors who know action would never direct a musical.

The soul of the musical

Rene’s awful flash forward wig is to me the star of that storyline & indicates he is the star of them, as Amell was of the flashback ones

This is exactly the mess Coveney was warned of by the Medical Council of Ireland in December, when they begged him to defer the implementation date of the law by up to three months.

That’s why I’m liking Terry Crews more and more all the time.

Of course he wouldn’t say something that would be that obviously devisive.

To be fair, a lot of people in this generation are still offended about black people moving into their neighborhood and women daring to do and want jobs.

Dear AV Club, I wonder if you would be so good as to update your editorial guidelines to remove “in a wheelchair” (to say nothing of the more insidious “confined to a wheelchair”).

The respectful usage is “uses a wheelchair” and variations thereof. Some quarters of the disability community feel that “in a wheelchair”

So, Chidi was right worrying about using almond milk in his coffee all along, nice twist.

I don’t think any of this was supposed to be suspect. We knew Good Place people are formalist and they always follow the rules. This exactly the kind of thing immortal beings who think like Chidi would do. They have time to analyze all the possible consequences and they will take it. The funny thing that the one

I love how they both clearly knew what would be appealing to the other. 

...was enough to make me shrug “fair enough,” and like a movie I probably would have criticized a couple of years ago.