Hate to say it, but D&D made the right decision and maintained a holistic vision for the show’s ending. Excellent direction would have been jarring alongside piddle-poor writing.
Hate to say it, but D&D made the right decision and maintained a holistic vision for the show’s ending. Excellent direction would have been jarring alongside piddle-poor writing.
Counter theory: Ron Perlman spoiled us for other Hellboy movies......
Guillermo Del Toro made two incredible Hellboy movies that still hold up pretty damn well.
There’s a book called Caliban and the Witch that goes into great detail about all of this. Though I’ll warn you that it’s an academic read. So expect to read about a page or so before having to drop everything and research a footnote for a few hours. If that’s not your jam, I wouldn’t bother with it.
Piggy-backing on what the above individual wrote. When I wrote “the rule”, perhaps I should have written “was the most common”. But the medieval period in Europe represents almost 1000 years of history spread across hundreds of cultures and probably thousands of national jurisdictions. The laws and customs of…
Which is why, for example, Mary of Burgundy was probably the most sought-after bachelorette of the medieval period.
Martin’s own world building is not exactly “accurate” (magic aside) as a reflection of the medieval societies he draws on - for one thing there seems to be way more child marriage in ASOIAF, I think, than in real life though it wasn’t unheard of - but one of my complaints about how the show reinterpreted the books is…
I don’t know people here have told me over and over that the middle ages were super white and that GOT is totally cool for the lack of diversity. So many really great excuses. (/s)
Similarly, the idea that the Middle Ages were just white people everywhere as an explanation for lack of diversity (and that most of the non-white characters near the end were just murderous barbarians) is also not reality based: https://twitter.com/medievalpoc
I feel bad for people who watch this instead of experiencing the comic book.
Because nothing says “cool on the Internet” like shitting on something people like.
Fine, but like ... what do people think HAPPENED here? People notice that Larsen looked different. They said “hey, what’s that about?” The Russos said “this is what that’s about,” and that will probably mostly be the end of it. Nobody got guillotined. Literally people said “Huh, this looks like it could be an example…
Yeah. I saw someone get a lot of crap thrown at them for suggesting the same thing on Gizmodo’s article about this but, there are laws in place to protect children in every other branch of the entertainment industry, if we can’t do the same for online videos then - at the very least - videos that feature children…
Yeah, I’m at the point now where I think YouTube should remove all videos with children in them. I’m sure the vast majority of them are fine, but between these horror stories we’re hearing of abusive content creators and pedophile viewers...
I’ve really been enjoying this so far. I was a huge fan of the series. I really like the new approach to the characters. I’m wondering if/how they’ll approach the Angel thing though. At a certain point you have to admit the 240 year old guy dating a 16 year old is kinda creepy.
“Surrender or die!”
“Can you take it down to like a 7?”
“...surrender...or else!”
About McKellen’s first point:
Problem is, if they’re guilty and working, they’re still fostering an insecure space for the other people who work with them. Probably keeping the abuse. If they retain their positions of power while the public decides if they want to consume their products or not... well, not much is…
I mean, I get his point, and I have some regard for it, but abuse is abuse, and underage kids are underage kids.
No, but we can point out that you don’t have a sense of humor.