The answer to all that and more re: Louis CK is “because he could”. Which is why this heckle was so great. He doesn’t give a fuck if you ask him how he could put people in a situation.
The answer to all that and more re: Louis CK is “because he could”. Which is why this heckle was so great. He doesn’t give a fuck if you ask him how he could put people in a situation.
Also Lauren, using the one image that Amanda Bynes had issues with that sent her into a body dysphoric shame spiral seems a little unnecessarily cruel, no?
Yea, they both seem to be handling it really well. They are both using it for their comedy/music, but nothing they say is shade on the other. Considering some of the shit we’ve seen other celebrities and even regular people put out there, this is good.
“I know some of you are curious about the breakup, but the truth is, it’s nobody’s business. Sometimes things just don’t work out, and that’s OK. She’s a wonderful, strong person, and I genuinely wish her all the happiness in the world.”
Otis learned the hard way, NOBODY, steps on the god of war and lives! Praise Beebo.
I hope someone cracks this case, and cracks it soon.
“They tell you that when you get in trouble you find out who your real friends are,” he added in another reference to the controversy. “It’s black people, it turns out. They’ll stick by you.”
I’m sure John Oliver’s weekly English-language comedy show on a premium American television channel was a major part in Brazil electing a fascist psychopath.
Growing up in Holland, I came across a lot of Turks. The thing about them was their unceasing nationalism, some of them were border-line or outright fascists (see Grey Wolves). This meant that there was no room to discuss the Turkish state’s maltreatment of Kurdish populations.
Chidi is *surprisingly* jacked
Generally, yes, but in a case like this where you’re trying to show off a costume, filming horizontally would mean the costume would take up less of the image and thus be less-detailed. Yeah, it’s already a crappy unstabilized mobile camera video, but for the thing it’s actually trying to show, filming horizontally…
Why is it always “audiences today are too sensitive” and not “creators back then weren’t sensitive enough”?
Personally, I was surprised by how many commenters on previous coverage here didn’t seem to get this. To me, Knightley in no way seemed to be criticizing Kate, and I could not see how people made the leap to come to the conclusion that she was. My interpretation of her essay was, and continues to be, that society’s…
Yeah. The bulk of the “political correctness” comes down to “please don’t be an asshole to LBGT, women and minorities.” If people get all worked up about that, then maybe they should look at why they’re getting upset they can’t make gay jokes anymore.
Yea the “PC culture is out of control” narrative has been around since before PC was a term. Howard Cossell got heat for a possible racial comment in ‘83, and the mechanisms for outrage and backlash against the outrage were in place then.
Being an asshole is not enough of a reason to not vote for someone. Vote for the asshole who is not as bad as the other asshole. Rinse. Repeat. It will get better. Democracy is a long, hard slog (with great moments along the way).
It does that thing where the female lead is the hyper competent one, but like for some reason isn’t the leader. Yay for monarchies
Kids are naturally curious—this is a wonderful thing. But they also haven’t mastered social cues. This can make…