At least this is an upgrade from the other times Autopilot didn’t even see the train.
At least this is an upgrade from the other times Autopilot didn’t even see the train.
IMO it depends on if the system actually does just view a RR crossing as another intersection with cars going past, or if the interface just doesn’t have train assets to show you that it can tell the difference. RR crossing are something that cars encounter enough in the world that not being able to ID it as its own…
Mental gymnastics and compartmentalism allows them to 100% believe it was Trump’s idea and it was he who did it on his first day in office.
Never walked through a kitchen, fruit field or Home Depot parking lot I see...
Murdering Coyote Assistance System?
I see we, as a country, learned nothing from our attempts to prop up Harley Davidson when Japanese bikes started eating their lunch. Wasted boatloads of taxpayer dollars, inflated the price of Japanese bikes that people still bought instead of ‘Murican bikes, and inflated the price of HD bikes into Low Earth Orbit…
I’d worry the Chinese could use their EVs to install malware to bring down our charging grid, but I’m pretty sure they could do that without having to plug their cars in.
“the 737 looped twice”, eh. I’d like to see that.
Saw that too. A Chicago Aldi. Maybe he mistook it for Acme?
Enough with the anticar koolaid please Amber.
The Chinese govt can invest in clean transportation AND be spying on us. Two things can be true at the same time. Consider that we just recently learned the true purpose of Pokemon Go (getting people to run around with their phone cameras to build a database of worldwide location photos that beats even google’s).
This has been in the works for awhile and has actually been pretty well reported on. Heck, some version of it was built into the IIJ act. The problem is a decent chunk of this country doesn’t read/watch the places where that gets reported.
Damn, so Chinese EVs are affordable because the country’s government invested in making clean transport accessible to its citizens? How evil. I’m so glad we don’t do that here, outside of the billions in subsidies for EV retooling (…
Can’t wait to hear from my conservative relatives how Trump is the only one who can save America by doing a bunch of shit a dem admin was already doing.
Boeing’s 737 Max aircraft can’t catch a break right now after a door plug blew out the side of one of the planes mid-flight early last year. Since then, the plane was caught up in a government probe into safety concerns at Boeing and another bird strike meant that a 737 Max couldn’t pressurize back in November.
The pilot reportedly said...
1. Typing out “Boeing 737 MAX” every 12 seconds in this article just makes it plainly obvious how badly you are trolling for clicks.
That will never happen without severe regulation. Automakers have fogured out that they can charge a much higher percentage of profit for larger vehicles, and people continue to be dumb enough to pay that extra premium.