
Hertz has rented cars they previously reported stolen leading to families face down on the pavement surrounded by dozens of cops, guns drawn, and trigger fingers just itching for a few days off. 

Most likely a cargo container or pallet was not latched and was moving a little bit.

Yes on the fatigue life, maybe not on the voids as it is pressure cast aluminum into a die. This means no loose particles, such as from sand or out gassing from the mold or trapping air.

Not a lot of one and two year old humans standing in the roadway.

Pretty rare to TP a house for similar reasons. Most places have the bathrooms locked down enough so the theft method is off the table and Mom or Dad will be PO’d if the home supply goes short. 

If you want adventure find an old British bike with a Lucas ignition and lighting. 

Returning the bike would be easier if the Zero was self driving. Just set the address, put a zip tie on the throttle, and wave goodbye.

People have been killed hitting them with a car; size doesn’t matter too much and height? Deer can clear 6 foot high over a road, so unless it’s an armored car-shaped motorcycle a few more pounds isn’t a guarantee. 

There are two competing problems. If they use mid-block crosswalks, then the drivers will have to notice that it is a crosswalk. If those mid-block crosswalks aren’t very common, then few drivers will notice. At crosswalks at intersections pedestrians may have up to 6 lanes of traffic to keep a look-out for. The two

Your ears have not heard a Vulcan bomber making a low pass.

The Air Force would have been given a firm price to accept the contract offer. The choice could have been to find another supplier; the USAF chose not to. 

Boeing isn’t subsidized. They have fixed-price military contracts that they have overrun and are deeply in the red for. Same with the space launch contracts - fixed price and bleeding cash.

Boeing would not be in the position today if the initial reports of the second crash had been truthful and if the mass media had asked the correct questions.

Keeping the stock price up gives Musk more leverage to borrow. 

The human centipede worked into an infinity symbol of just Trump and Musk.

They don’t make cars - yet. 

Barr was more responsible. Barr, whose father had hired Epstein with no qualifications to teach at a school for children; Barr, whose father wrote a truly awful sci-fi book where wealthy people sexually abused children. Barr, who begged Trump to hire him, to put him in a position to put Epstein away and quit almost

This is America; probably hot lead is raining at some place near there every night. I’ll give you the aircraft parts, but General Aviation does a pretty good job of dropping into neighborhoods all on its own. 

The FAA frowns on shooting at any aircraft, but the US Air Force has promised to shoot down Cessnas for straying into military airspace.