
“The dealership denied liability, arguing Fox was a trespasser”

The company still raked in $16.9 billion in revenue during the second quarter of 2024.”

Different rudder design. The earliest was a problem caused by not understanding the effect of a transient thermal expansion response and making the parts at their tolerance limits.

So if your car is skewered by a guardrail, then it’s your fault because you were driving outside the lane? 

It could have been an ambulance. Placing what are essentially booby traps on a highway isn’t cool.

This also kills the two rims. Plus any flapping rubber from the tires does a number on the surroundings. 

To be fair, Hyundai has known about this part for a long time and has/had  chosen to leave it just like it is. Like losing virginity to a partner who casually mentions the day after that they tested positive for syphilis a week ago and maybe check with a doctor. Just spoils the mood. 

This sounds like a job for WD-40, the Water Displacement-40th try. Give it a spritz and enjoy the odor as the carrier flashes off.

A coworker related that her daughter hit a deer. Sort of. The daughter was stopped at a red light and a deer slammed into the side of the car.

TCAS is the on-board system. This warning was from ATC (Air traffic control.) 

What about my Durian fruit and can of surströmming?

Buy one and then get a FOIA request to see who was transported in it and what for and if any cops were disciplined for excessive force.

That presumes this is a narrow forest trail. That is not where one would land a helicopter. This has to be an area that is well clear of all trees and therefore unexpected obstacles. One might argue about hitting another snowmobile, but hitting this helicopter was like hitting a solid wall with no option to steer

There are some places with intersections a mile or more apart. A 100 foot traverse becomes a 5000 foot detour, a 50X increase. Imagine the reaction of drivers on a 10 mile trip being sent on a 500 mile detour. 

There are a couple of hobbyists on YouTube who has been working on doing the vertical landing with solid fuel rocket - no engine modulation and no ground clearance measurement, though they do have thrust vectoring. They have a lot of video that is much like this. The engines are triggered too soon and burn out before

There is a road near me that has a tough left turn onto the vertical part of the T intersection. It’s tough because on-coming traffic is nearly relentless and it can take a while for a break to happen. So MoDOT made it a 3-way stop intersection. Even though the new stop signs were clearly visible the number of

I would prefer crosswalks protected by retractable bollards, the sort used to stop semis from entering nuclear power plant operations.

Would it help? The law already is to stop for anyone in the crosswalk. Would another law to stop at a stop sign for someone in the cross walk help or would it just increase the number of rear-endings when drivers stop for the stop sign when no one is there and the following car sees there is no one and doesn’t figure

AM bands typically are longer wavelengths, which don’t fit into tiny cell phone antennas. To make it more compact a large chunk of ferrite can help, but it doesn’t do it all. The radio reception for tiny receivers use the headphone as the antenna, but that’s not necessarily the right length to be properly tuned.

Such mixed feelings. Starlink is a great thing, to be sure.